New encryption thread

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thanks to everyone that replied to my first
encryption post.

a lot of things said in those posts and a lot
of information resources that were pointed to
in those posts helped and enabled me to create
the next generation of encryption algorithm(s)
to be used in EUServer.

this latest algorithm i've written, is *far*
more secure than any crypto methods used thus
far in EUServer, and i believe more secure than
the only other encryption algorithm i saw in
the EU archive (from ralf...).

one of the chief points that prompted me to hurt
my wittle head creating a strong, yet easy to
understand, and easy to implement algorithm, was
a statement made that no algorithm is secure unless
the algorithm is viewable, and the viewing of said
algorithm doesn't help you decrypt a ciphered string.

the resultant algorithm below, is very fast, very
easy to understand, and actually quite secure.

granted, each 'calculation' upon the key that
i make is not necessarily original, and even
the sum total of all the calculations may mirror
another algorithm, but i did think of it myself :)

it should also be exportable and allowable in
any country as (in theory) i'm not going past
40bit encryption (theory says i'm using 32bit..)
at any point; and yet, theory also says that you
would need to attempt up to 6.29e47 permutations
of keys to decode it (based upon the server
accepting up to length 20 passwords), maybe more...

so, here are the algorithms and a testing program
to see if you found the proper key for a given cipher.

If the consensus is that this is a good, strong,
relatively hard to crack algorithm, i will incorporate
this into EUServer, but the caveat to that is that,
once again, all versions of code prior to this change
will be 'broken' and all user files will have to be
scrapped again.

the upside is that i doubt i'll need to change the
encryption again, (if it's agreed that this is a
strong enough algorithm) and as such, i won't need
to thrash the user files again. also, i feel it
would be worth trashing them one last? time...

lastly, feel free to use Crypto.e at will, in your own
programs, and I will be adding a link on my web page
to be able to download that include file.

so, can we guess/crack the cipher in try.ex? :)
(for verification purposes, and to see if this
 algorithm might produce the same cipher for
 more than one key, i include the key that i
 used to create the cipher far far below in
 this message. if you find another key that
 makes try.ex say 'u got it', please, lemme

    _/  _/   _/_/_/   _/  _/  _/  _/   _/_/_/ _/
   _/  _/   _/  _/   _/  _/  _/ _/    _/
  _/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/  _/  _/_/     _/_/
 _/  _/   _/  _/   _/_/_/  _/ _/    _/
_/  _/   _/  _/   _/_/_/  _/   _/  _/_/_/
({<=-> -=})

----------begin try.ex
include Crypto.e
        cmdline = command_line(),
        cipher  = {62,34,74,113,36,33,81,76,20,114,91,52,89,42,
                   38,91,57,77,56,72,46,109,34,44,116,33,70   }
if length(cmdline) != 3 then
   puts(1,"use: ex try <phrase_u_think_the_password_is>\n")
end if
if Decrypt(cipher,cmdline[3]) then
     puts(1,"you got it\n")
else puts(1,"you don't got it\n")
end if
----------end try.ex

----------begin Crypto.e
include machine.e

function sumup(sequence data)
integer sum sum = 0
   for i = 1 to length(data) do
       sum = sum + data[i]
   end for
   return sum
end function

global function Encrypt(sequence key)
--we add padding to ensure the cracker doesn't know the PW len

   --generate a seed
   set_rand( sumup(key) )

   --add random padding
   key = key & key[1..rand( length(key) )]

   --xor encrypt the key against a seeded,
   --random, version of itself
   return xor_bits(key,rand(key))
end function

global function Decrypt(sequence cipher, sequence key)
--useage: given an encrypted 'cipher' text string and a test case
--  'key' to decrypt by, return t/f if it was/wasn't the right key
object temp
   --determine the prior seed
   set_rand( sumup(key) )

   --attempt to repad back to the original padding
   temp = key & key[1..rand( length(key) )]

   --obviously, if the resultant padding amount is not the
   --same length of the initial padding amount, it's not the
   --proper key, but, this next test is also to ensure that
   --xor_bits has equal length arguments to operate upon
   if length(temp) != length(cipher) then return 0 end if

   --reconstruct the randomly seeded, randomly generated cipher
   temp = xor_bits( cipher, rand(temp) )

   --snarf to the correct length
   temp = temp[1..length(key)]

   --determine if key is indeed the right key
   return compare(temp,key) = 0
end function
----------end Crypto.e

answer is below this line

far below :)

sans the quotes

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