Re: SDL2 Wrapper Not Working Under 4.1.0

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Icy_Viking said...

Ah, that is interesting. It works while using the 64-bit version of Eu 4.1.0 and SDL2 64-bit. However there seems to be an issue with the 32-bit version. I'll upload what I have re-wrote, and see if anyone can help me with this. - Here's the temporary link for the new version, I re-wrote from scratch. It is all 32-bit.

Ok so I got it to work using 64-bit Euphoria and 64-bit SDL. So there appears to be a comptatbility issue with 32 and 64-bit OS and Euphoria.

It gets better; the new version of the library does work for me on 64bit Linux using 32bit Eu/SDL2. It seems that it is just Windoze that is having trouble with 32bit Eu/SDL2.


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