Re: Win32Lib and IDE

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DerekParnell said...

I have no problem with the demo programs supplied with win32lib either, so I'm struggling to see what is causing your problem. Can you create some example code and post it here, which demonstrates the problem for me?

I'm asking myself the same question. I have looked at the generated EXW from IDE of my PO program which I developed in Eu3. The start looks like this (after the documentation):

atom VATRate VATRate = 0.175 
constant PI = 3.141592653 
include Win32Lib.ew 
without warning 
include infoBox.ew 
include tidy_print.e 
include C:\EUPHORIA\INCLUDE\grprint.ew 
include C:\Euphoria\INCLUDE\Ask.ew 
include C:\Euphoria\INCLUDE\LISTDIRS.E 
object	gash 
gash = setCreateFont("Arial", 10, Normal, Blue) 

Now I have win32lib in C:\Euphoria4\Win32Lib\include. I guess therefore that Eu4 is looking and not finding Win32Lib. Trouble is, and it took me a while to find this, if I run the EXW I get a pile of errors as I mentioned. If i run it from IDE, it is IDE that crashes - the console box title bar is C:\Euphoria4\euide\ide.exe. If I hit return, IDE closes. This is odd, it seems that IDE is the parent of euiw.exe which is failing with these errors. This means that when I close the error console I close IDE too. That can't be right, I feel.

The ex.err I get from PO.exw running is:

<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: 
	C:\Euphoria\Win32Lib\Include\w32resources.ew (3117): seek 
	C:\Euphoria\Win32Lib\Include\w32resources.ew (3118): where 
	C:\Euphoria\Win32Lib\Include\w32resources.ew (3119): seek 
	C:\Euphoria\Win32Lib\Include\w32resources.ew (3387): reverse 
	C:\Euphoria\Win32Lib\Include\w32resources.ew (3768): instance 
	C:\Euphoria\Win32Lib\Include\w32resources.ew (5490): instance 
	PO.exw (363): sprint 
	PO.exw (391): dir 
	PO.exw (397): sprint 
	PO.exw (438): sprint 
	PO.exw (458): dir 
	PO.exw (464): sprint 
	PO.exw (680): sort 
	PO.exw (742): dir 
	PO.exw (863): sleep 
	PO.exw (883): sprint 
	PO.exw (895): sleep 
	PO.exw (901): sprint 
	PO.exw (914): sprint 
	PO.exw (917): sprint 
	PO.exw (960): sleep 
	PO.exw (965): sprint 
	PO.exw (1030): sprint 
	PO.exw (1076): sprint 
	PO.exw (1106): sprint 
		gash=message_box("Error trying to print\nCode "&sprint(fh),"Failed to print",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) 
--- Defined Words --- 

I have run some old Eu3 programs in Eu4 with no trouble, with or without the ide coming into play. So finding what is causing the crash is going to be tricky, and I need to do that if I am going to generate a Noddy program demonstrating it. Give me a while to do this and I will see what I can come up with. I think I am going to have to start writing Eu4 code from square one and not try running old Eu3 code with it. PO, a fairly big program, is one problem, and I put all the include files into the project folder, and told euide that there were no include files. Then I ran it with eu4 and got 6300 lines on ex.err listing all the references it couldn't cope with.

So let me work on this for a while, and write some new code and see where I am messing up. You guys can't spend all your time looking after incompetents like me. I'll come back with some proper questions when I have some. Till then, yes, eu4 works, euide works in eu4, though I am a little concerned about where I should put win32lib so euide points to it OK. I'm confused about whether I am running Eu3 or Eu4 (*.exw runs Eu3 by default) and whether included files are being picked up from my Eu3 folders or Eu4 folders. I think I will have to write a batch file to switch Eu3 or Eu4 into play.

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