Re: Win32Lib and IDE

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AndyDrummond said...

I understand that. But it raises another question which is this: I have a program which uses something from w32resources.ew (loadBitmapFromFile2(), to be precise). The program fails because w32resources.ew cannot resolve seek(), among other things. seek(), of course, can be found in file.e, and presumably somewhere else too. The question is this: do I go on and add namespace xxx to these various files in euphoria4\include, and the namespace reference in the win32lib routines involved, as part of an ongoing generation of a full win32lib, or have I managed to get something screwed up again like I did before? I have many other such reference problems on common routines like sprintf(), dir(), sleep() and so on.

As a subsidiary question, is there any way I can find out what other references within win32lib (as a whole) cannot be resolved because of namespace omissions? And, if namespaces are important - as they are - how come a standard include file like file.e doesn't have a namespace ident in it? All these questions must be answered ...

Maybe this should be a new thread...

The question that is raised for me is "What on earth has Andy done with his system?". I ask this because the following program works perfectly well for me.

include std/io.e 
include win32lib.ew 
integer w = create(Window, "test", 0, 20, 30, 400, 400, 0) 
object a = loadBitmapFromFile("samp.bmp") 
WinMain(w, 0) 

I have no problem with the demo programs supplied with win32lib either, so I'm struggling to see what is causing your problem. Can you create some example code and post it here, which demonstrates the problem for me?

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