1. PAINT in Basic...

Hello to every Euphorian!

Has anyone here ever developed a routine like PAINT command in Basic?

or some logics which are helpful for developing such routine?

Appreciated if you provide me with something on the above...


from Lee, WooSeob...

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2. PAINT in Basic...

-> Hello to every Euphorian!

gidday :)

-> Has anyone here ever developed a routine like PAINT command in Basic?

for those of us that managed to avoid basic, what exactly does the PAINT
command do?

thanks :)

Mike Fowler - mike.fowler at nelsun.gen.nz
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3. Re: PAINT in Basic...

Mike Fowler wrote:

> for those of us that managed to avoid basic, what exactly does the PAINT
> command do?
it letyou fill an area of any shape (outlined in a single color) with  either
a solid color or a pattern.

You specify a poinat somewhere within the area you want to fill, the color
or fill pattern, and the color of the border (where to stop painting)


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4. Re: PAINT in Basic...

-> for those of us that managed to avoid basic, what exactly does the
-> PAINT command do?

-> it letyou fill an area of any shape (outlined
-> in a single color) with  either a solid color or a pattern.

okay, thnaks.

Ill have a go... don't expect anything tho :)

Mike Fowler - mike.fowler at nelsun.gen.nz
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5. Re: PAINT in Basic...

On Fri, 20 Jun 1997, Mike Fowler wrote:

> -> it letyou fill an area of any shape (outlined
> -> in a single color) with  either a solid color or a pattern.
> okay, thnaks.
> Ill have a go... don't expect anything tho :)

That would be cool.

heck if you could get a fillpoly working with a texture pattern I'll
convert my landscape engine to euphoria and we can do mountainscapes.  =)

I wrote this nifty planet builder program 10 years ago that let you paint
a "Modified Mercater" projection map of a planet then let you visit it
anywhere with fractal landscapes based off your map.  It would generate
views from any lat long alt and save sequential animation images.  It was
all with dither patterns in 4 color CGA on my 4.77mhzXT clone but it was
way cool for the time.

Of course, now I create planets with grass and trees in Anamatek's World
Builder (which I paid $1000 for last year) in 24 bit color.  VERY PRETTY.
but I digress...

Michael Packard
Lord Generic Productions
lgp at exo.com http://exo.com/~lgp
A Crash Course in Game Design and Production

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6. Re: PAINT in Basic...

Here's two versions of painting procedures that I use:
Paint is like the basic statement
Fill is like in picture editing programs

--- code begins

procedure paint(object tile, sequence p, integer targ)
-- replaces all pixels bounded by targ colored pixels starting at some
point p
-- tile may be an atom for a solid color
--  or a 2-d sequence of pixels to be tiled
-- warning: this procedure is not aware of screen boundaries - be sure
--  the object to be painted has a closed border
    sequence stack, testp, scan
    integer index, ok
    stack = {{p, 0}}
    index = 1
    while index <= length(stack) do
        p = stack[index][1]
-- scoot all the way to the left
        while get_pixel(p-{1,0}) != targ do
            p[1] = p[1] - 1
        end while
        stack[index][1] = p
-- set flags
        scan = {0,0}
-- scan across current line of target color
        while get_pixel(p) != targ do
-- look for target color above/below current pixel
            for z = 1 to 2 do
                testp = p - {0, 3 - 2 * z}
                if (get_pixel(testp) != targ) then
                    if scan[z] = 0 then
-- start of above/below strip
                    ok = 1
                    for i = 1 to length(stack) do
                        if stack[i][1][2] = testp[2] then
                            if testp[1] >= stack[i][1][1]
                            and testp[1] < stack[i][1][1] + stack[i][2]
-- this strip has already been scanned
                                ok = 0
                            end if
                        end if
                    end for
                    if ok then
-- remember it for later
                        stack = append(stack, {testp, 1})
                        end if
                        scan[z] = 1
                    end if
                elsif scan[z] = 1 then
-- end of above/below strip
                    scan[z] = 0
                end if
            end for
            p[1] = p[1] + 1
        end while
        stack[index][2] = p[1] - stack[index][1][1]
        index = index + 1
    end while
    if atom(tile) then
-- pixels
        for i = 1 to length(stack) do
            pixel(repeat(tile, stack[i][2]), stack[i][1])
        end for
-- tile image
        for i = 1 to length(stack) do
            for x = stack[i][1][1] to stack[i][1][1] + stack[i][2] - 1
length(tile))][1+remainder(x, length(tile[1]))], {x,stack[i][1][2]})
            end for
        end for
    end if
end procedure

procedure fill(object tile, sequence p, integer targ)
-- replaces all occurences of targ colored adjacent pixels starting at
some point p
-- tile may be an atom for a solid color
--  or a 2-d sequence of pixels to be tiled
    sequence stack, testp, scan
    integer index, ok
    stack = {{p, 0}}
    index = 1
    while index <= length(stack) do
        p = stack[index][1]
-- scoot all the way to the left
        while get_pixel(p-{1,0}) = targ do
            p[1] = p[1] - 1
        end while
        stack[index][1] = p
-- set flags
        scan = {0,0}
-- scan across current line of target color
        while get_pixel(p) = targ do
-- look for target color above/below current pixel
            for z = 1 to 2 do
                testp = p - {0, 3 - 2 * z}
                if (get_pixel(testp) = targ) then
                    if scan[z] = 0 then
-- start of above/below strip
                    ok = 1
                    for i = 1 to length(stack) do
                        if stack[i][1][2] = testp[2] then
                            if testp[1] >= stack[i][1][1]
                            and testp[1] < stack[i][1][1] + stack[i][2]
-- this strip has already been scanned
                                ok = 0
                            end if
                        end if
                    end for
                    if ok then
-- remember it for later
                        stack = append(stack, {testp, 1})
                        end if
                        scan[z] = 1
                    end if
                elsif scan[z] = 1 then
-- end of above/below strip
                    scan[z] = 0
                end if
            end for
            p[1] = p[1] + 1
        end while
        stack[index][2] = p[1] - stack[index][1][1]
        index = index + 1
    end while
    if atom(tile) then
-- pixels
        for i = 1 to length(stack) do
            pixel(repeat(tile, stack[i][2]), stack[i][1])
        end for
-- tile image
        for i = 1 to length(stack) do
            for x = stack[i][1][1] to stack[i][1][1] + stack[i][2] - 1
length(tile))][1+remainder(x, length(tile[1]))], {x,stack[i][1][2]})
            end for
        end for
    end if
end procedure

-- demonstration code
include graphics.e

if graphics_mode(19) then
end if

ellipse(5, 1, {10,10},{50,50})
ellipse(5, 1, {50,10},{190,50})
ellipse(5, 1, {10,50},{50,190})
ellipse(6, 1, {50,50},{190,190})

-- yellow '/' on green fill
fill({{2,2,14},{2,14,2},{14,2,2}}, {35,35}, 5)
-- white '\' on blue paint
paint({{15,1,1,1},{1,15,1,1},{1,1,15,1},{1,1,1,15}}, {35,35}, 0)

--- code ends ---


Pete Eberlein <xseal at harborside.com>

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