1. Strange behaviour of manual

I'm asking the manual for include with this request: https://openeuphoria.org/search/results.wc?s=include&page=1&per_page=50&news=0&ticket=0&forum=0&wiki=0&manual=1

How come include doesn't appear in the top 50? Or is it hiding in plain view.

Another example: Why does https://openeuphoria.org/search/results.wc?manual=1&s=with give me a one line result, viz

  	Type 	Score 	Subject 	Age 
[manual] 	manual 	1.500 	Stack: stack ( 	Dec 05, 2013 16:26:14 


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2. Re: Strange behaviour of manual

My guess would be that it's used so very very (very) often it's like searching for "the".
It may be that "with" is in some "don't index these words" list (which should probably also include "include").

If you go to https://openeuphoria.org/docs/key_index.html#bm_I you'll get there much quicker

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