1. Insolor as dev?
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jun 07, 2014
Forked from Re: gbonvehi as dev?
Insolor, would you like to be made a developer and be given access to commit the patch for ticket:898 (and other patches you may have or may create in the future)?
2. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by Insolor Jun 08, 2014
Forked from Re: gbonvehi as dev?
Insolor, would you like to be made a developer and be given access to commit the patch for ticket:898 (and other patches you may have or may create in the future)?
Of course, I'll be glad
3. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jun 08, 2014
Forked from Re: gbonvehi as dev?
Insolor, would you like to be made a developer and be given access to commit the patch for ticket:898 (and other patches you may have or may create in the future)?
Of course, I'll be glad
Done. You should now be able to commit to https://scm.openeuphoria.org/hg/euphoria/
If you need a primer on how to use hg, see http://openeuphoria.org/wiki/view/Mercurial.wc
Welcome to the team!
4. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by Insolor Jun 08, 2014
Forked from Re: gbonvehi as dev?
Insolor, would you like to be made a developer and be given access to commit the patch for ticket:898 (and other patches you may have or may create in the future)?
Of course, I'll be glad
Done. You should now be able to commit to https://scm.openeuphoria.org/hg/euphoria/
If you need a primer on how to use hg, see http://openeuphoria.org/wiki/view/Mercurial.wc
Welcome to the team!
Thank you! Are there any general workflow rules/recomendations?
5. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jun 09, 2014
Thank you! Are there any general workflow rules/recomendations?
We don't really have a formal list... the only thing I can think of is, for a feature or fix to be added in the 4.0 line, to commit first into the 4.0 branch and then merge it into the default branch. I usually just commit a patch twice, once to each branch, though, instead of merging.
6. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Jun 09, 2014
Thank you! Are there any general workflow rules/recomendations?
We don't really have a formal list... the only thing I can think of is, for a feature or fix to be added in the 4.0 line, to commit first into the 4.0 branch and then merge it into the default branch. I usually just commit a patch twice, once to each branch, though, instead of merging.
Merging has the advantage of letting hg know what's going on.
The most important thing is to update the release notes with your change.
7. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jun 09, 2014
I usually just commit a patch twice, once to each branch, though, instead of merging.
Merging has the advantage of letting hg know what's going on.
And it's an important one. I'm just really bad at this.
The most important thing is to update the release notes with your change.
Another thing I'm bad at.
8. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by andi49 Jun 15, 2014
i do not wan't to disturb but
Please have a look at http://openeuphoria.org/pastey/245.wc#3624
9. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jun 15, 2014
i do not wan't to disturb but
Please have a look at http://openeuphoria.org/pastey/245.wc#3624
Ouch! That looks like a real pain to deal with.
Do we have to do that? Maybe it's not a big deal to report 8.0 when running under 8.1, especially when we're not using or especially supporting the new apis there?
10. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by andi49 Jun 15, 2014
i do not wan't to disturb but
Please have a look at http://openeuphoria.org/pastey/245.wc#3624
Ouch! That looks like a real pain to deal with.
Do we have to do that? Maybe it's not a big deal to report 8.0 when running under 8.1, especially when we're not using or especially supporting the new apis there?
knowing your OperatingSystem is not an useless information (maybe at the moment it doesn't matter if it is 8.0 or 8.1)
The change in 'eu.manifest' is trivial.
I have built a Eu4.1 with this manifest and it didn't hurt WinXP and gives correct values for Win8.1. I can't test for Vista and WIn7.
(and i do not really care about any Windows Version before WinXP, but I'am a little selfish ;)
11. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jun 15, 2014
Ouch! That looks like a real pain to deal with.
The change in 'eu.manifest' is trivial.
Ah, ok, in that case nevermind. If it's simple, then we should definitely add it.
12. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by Insolor Jun 16, 2014
i do not wan't to disturb but
Please have a look at http://openeuphoria.org/pastey/245.wc#3624
Yes, with the patch Win8.1 is reported as Win8. It's left to learn where to place this manifest :) This will be done, of course.
Moreover, uname() needs extra improvements (i.e. using OSVERSIONINFOEX structure instead of OSVERSIONINFO) to distinguish workstation and server versions of OSes (eg. Win7 and Win2008). I will work on it soon.
13. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by andi49 Jun 16, 2014
Yes, with the patch Win8.1 is reported as Win8. It's left to learn where to place this manifest :) This will be done, of course.
14. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by Insolor Jun 16, 2014
Yes, with the patch Win8.1 is reported as Win8. It's left to learn where to place this manifest :) This will be done, of course.
I see, finally it gets into an executable. Thank you for help.
15. Re: Insolor as dev?
- Posted by petelomax Jun 17, 2014
manifest = substitute_all(manifest,"\"x86\"","\"amd64\"")
Seems to make 64-bit executables /alot/ happier.
Edit: I just noticed that file has "*" under common controls, I've not tried that, so maybe you can ignore this.