Historical allegrosound, Revision 2

Sound and allegro

Allegro has several sound functions to load and play .wavs, .mods and .mid files. Unfortunately it wont't play .mp3s. There is an almp3 dll module, but this was compiled for allegro 4.0 - if anyone has a copy of the almp3 source, and can compile it for allegro mp4. then that would be a great help - you could then keep all sound playing 'in house'.

However, FMOD does a very good job of playing mp3, .wav, .ogg, .mod and .xm. The version included here is very old (fmod has moved on like everything else), and while there is no cost for it, as far as I am aware, you cannot distribute your game with it and charge money, although giving it away is (was) allowed. for more details, and it probably still applies to this version 3.6 dll, go to https://www.fmod.com/licensing

Having said that , if you do end up needing an fmod license, very very well done to you!

Using allegro sound is covered in the examples, and on the quick reference.

The original Fmod wrapper was originally written by Aku - I just pulled it apart, used English for function names (sorry, not sure what language it was), and change how the functions were linked. Thanks to Aku.

Using fmod is very simple, and similar to allegro - see demoCB.exw for examples of how to use it - there are other functions that could be wrapped, and I probably will one day, especially if I need them, but those wrapped so far are


FMUSIC functions relate to music files - eg mod, xm FSTREAM functions relate to mp3s or wavs

include fmod.e 
integer fn, cn 
object ret, VOID 
atom t 
ret = FSOUND_Init(44100, 32, 0) 
if ret = 0 then 
        puts(1, "Could not init fmod") 
end if 
--fn = FSOUND_Stream_OpenFile("example.mp3", 0, 0) 
fn = FSOUND_Stream_OpenFile("sound1.wav", 0, 0)             --comment / uncomment to play each one 
if fn = 0 then 
        puts(1, "Could not open file") 
end if 
cn = FSOUND_Stream_Play(0, fn) 
if cn = -1 then 
        puts(1, "Could not play example.mp3") 
end if 
VOID = FSOUND_SetVolume(cn, 100)                                    --note this is a different handle to that which opened it 
printf(1, "Stream length : %d\n", {FSOUND_Stream_GetLength(fn)}) 
printf(1, "Duration ms   : %d\n", {FSOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs(fn)}) 
--while FSOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs(fn) != FSOUND_Stream_GetTime(fn) do 
--while FSOUND_Stream_GetTime(fn)< 2000 do 
t = time() 
while time() - t < 10  and  FSOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs(fn) != FSOUND_Stream_GetTime(fn) do 
        printf(1, "Stream time : %d\n", {FSOUND_Stream_GetTime(fn)}) 
        printf(1, "CPU Usage   : %d\n", {FSOUND_GetCPUUsage()})  
end while 
VOID = FSOUND_Stream_Stop(fn) 
VOID = FSOUND_Stream_Close(fn) 
puts(1, "\nLet's try a mod!\n") 
fn = FMUSIC_LoadSong("against_time.mod") 
VOID = FMUSIC_SetReverb(fn) 
cn = FMUSIC_PlaySong(fn) 
printf(1,"against_time.mod, by LizardKing from the modarchive.org\n", {}) 
t = time() 
while time() - t < 10 do 
    printf(1, "Song time   : %d\n", {FMUSIC_GetTime(fn)})    
    printf(1, "CPU Usage   : %d\n", {FSOUND_GetCPUUsage()})  
end while 
VOID = FMUSIC_StopSong(fn) 
VOID = FMUSIC_FreeSong(fn) 
printf(1,"fmod will also cope with .xms.\n") 
fn = FMUSIC_LoadSong("a_beams.xm") 
VOID = FMUSIC_SetReverb(fn) 
cn = FMUSIC_PlaySong(fn) 
printf(1,"a_beams.xm, by Beams from the modarchive.org\n", {}) 
t = time() 
while time() - t < 60 do 
    printf(1, "Song time   : %d\n", {FMUSIC_GetTime(fn)})    
    printf(1, "CPU Usage   : %d\n", {FSOUND_GetCPUUsage()})  
end while 
VOID = FMUSIC_StopSong(fn) 
VOID = FMUSIC_FreeSong(fn) 
--I suspect it will also cope with .it too. 


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