Historical Gui_pro_con, Revision 1

Euphoria Toolkits

Alphabetical Order

Toolkit OS Pro Con Comments
euGTK Linux
also Windows
* euphoric flavor
* native Linux with minimal installation
* not as handy for win users
euIUP multi * euphoric flavour * no longer maintained
"iup4EU" multi * native look
* has editor
* just created
* more 'C' based flavour
REDY Windows * completely euphoric
* all Euphoria code
* custom interface
* no Linux "yet"
* under development
tinEWG Windows * simplistic
* easy to use
* has IDE
* lacks fancy widgets
win32LIBEX Windows * native
* established
* Judith's IDE
* fixed positioning
wxWIDGETS multi * native look
* full featured
* editor
* distinct flavour

Flavour pertains to how euphoric the interface is. A euphoric flavour feels more compatible with the way Euphoria code is written. An un-euphoric flavor feels more compatible with the original design of the toolkit--may be distinct, more 'C' than Euphoria, more OS specific than Euphoria.

Some will find an un-euphoric flavor an adavantage, the toolkit itself and third party documentation may be easier to understand.



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