Historical EC_BullsandCows, Revision 1

Works with: Euphoria version 4.0.3, 4.0.0 RC1 and later

include std/text.e 
include std/os.e 
include std/sequence.e 
include std/console.e 
sequence bcData = {0,0} --bull,cow score for the player 
sequence goalNum = { {0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, 0} --computer's secret number digits (element 1), marked as bull/cow 
--indexes in element 2, integer value of it in element 3 
sequence currentGuess = { {0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, 0} --player's guess, same format as goalNum 
sequence removeChars = 0 & " 0\r\t\n" --characters to trim (remove) from user's input. \r, \t are single escaped characters, 
--0 is ascii 0x0 and number zero is ascii 48, or 0x30. The rest are wysiwyg 
integer tries = 0 --track number of tries to guess the number 
sequence bcStrings ={"bull", "cow"} --stores singular and/or plural strings depending on score in bcData 
goalNum[1] = rand( {9,9,9,9} ) --rand function works on objects. here it outputs into each sequence element. 
goalNum[3] = goalNum[1][1] * 1000 + goalNum[1][2] * 100 + goalNum[1][3] * 10 + goalNum[1][4] --convert digits to an integer 
--and store it 
procedure getInputAndProcess(integer stage = 1)  --object = 1 sets default value for the parameter if it isn't specified 
    goalNum[2][1..4] = 0 --{0,0,0,0} --set these to unscaned (0) since the scanning will start over.  
    currentGuess[1][1..4] = 0 --{0,0,0,0} --these too, or they will contain old marks 
    currentGuess[2][1..4] = 0 
    tries += 1 --equivalent to tries = tries + 1, but faster and shorter to write 
    bcData[1..2] = 0 -- {0,0} 
    if stage <= 1 then --if this process was run for the first time or with no parameters, then.. 
        puts(1,"The program has thought of a four digit number using only digits 1 to 9.\nType your guess and press enter.\n") 
    end if 
    while 1 label "guesscheck" do --labels can be used to specify a jump point from exit or retry, and help readability 
        currentGuess[1] = trim(gets(0), removeChars) --get user input, trim unwanted characters from it, store it in currentGuess[1] 
        currentGuess[1] = mapping( currentGuess[1], {49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57}, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} ) --convert ascii codes to 
        -- integer digits they represent 
        integer tempF = find('0',currentGuess[1]) 
        if length(currentGuess[1]) != 4 or tempF != 0 then --if the input string is now more than 4 characters/integers, 
            --the input won't be used. 
            puts(1,"You probably typed too many digits or a 0. Try typing a new 4 digit number with only numbers 1 through 9.\n") 
            retry "guesscheck" 
                exit "guesscheck" 
        end if 
    end while 
    --convert separate digits to the one integer they represent and store it, like with goalNum[3] 
    currentGuess[3] = currentGuess[1][1] * 1000 + currentGuess[1][2] * 100 + currentGuess[1][3] * 10 + currentGuess[1][4]  
--convert digits to the integer they represent, to print to a string later 
    --check for bulls 
    for i = 1 to 4 do 
        if goalNum[1][i] = currentGuess[1][i] then 
            goalNum[2][i] = 1 
            currentGuess[2][i] = 1 
            bcData[1] += 1 
        end if 
    end for 
    --check for cows, but not slots marked as bulls or cows already. 
    for i = 1 to 4 label "iGuessElem"do --loop through each guessed digit 
        for j = 1 to 4 label "jGoalElem" do --but first go through each goal digit, comparing the first guessed digit, 
            --and then the other guessed digits 2 through 4 
            if currentGuess[2][i] = 1 then --if the guessed digit we're comparing right now has been marked as bull or cow already 
                continue "iGuessElem" --skip to the next guess digit without comparing this guess digit to the other goal digits 
            end if 
            if goalNum[2][j] = 1 then --if the goal digit we're comparing to right now has been marked as a bull or cow already 
                continue "jGoalElem" --skip to the next goal digit 
            end if 
            if currentGuess[1][i] = goalNum[1][j] then --if the guessed digit is the same as the goal one,  
                --it won't be a bull, so it's a cow 
                bcData[2] += 1 --score one more cow 
                goalNum[2][j] = 1 --mark this digit as a found cow in the subsequence that stores 0's or 1's as flags 
                continue "iGuessElem" --skip to the next guess digit, so that this digit won't try to check for 
                --matches(cow) with other goal digits 
            end if 
        end for --this guess digit was compared to one goal digit , try comparing this guess digit with the next goal digit 
    end for --this guess digit was compared with all goal digits, compare the next guess digit to all the goal digits 
    if bcData[1] = 1 then --uses singular noun when there is score of 1, else plural 
        bcStrings[1] = "bull" 
            bcStrings[1] = "bulls" 
    end if 
    if bcData[2] = 1 then --the same kind of thing as above block 
        bcStrings[2] = "cow" 
            bcStrings[2] = "cows" 
    end if 
    if bcData[1] < 4 then --if less than 4 bulls were found, the player hasn't won, else they have... 
        printf(1, "Guess #%d : You guessed %d . You found %d %s, %d %s. Type new guess.\n", {tries, currentGuess[3], bcData[1], bcStrings[1], bcData[2], bcStrings[2]} ) 
    else --else they have won and the procedure ends 
        printf(1, "The number was %d. You guessed %d in %d tries.\n", {goalNum[3], currentGuess[3], tries} ) 
        any_key()--wait for keypress before closing console window.  
    end if 
end procedure 
--run the procedure 

Output (truncated some) :

The program has thought of a four digit number using only digits 1 to 9. 
Type your guess and press enter. 
Guess #1 : You guessed 7456 . You found 1 bull, 1 cow. Type new guess. 
Guess #2 : You guessed 7116 . You found 1 bull, 0 cows. Type new guess. 
Guess #3 : You guessed 7862 . You found 0 bulls, 2 cows. Type new guess. 
Guess #10 : You guessed 6586 . You found 3 bulls, 0 cows. Type new guess. 
Guess #11 : You guessed 5586 . You found 3 bulls, 0 cows. Type new guess. 
Guess #12 : You guessed 2586 . You found 3 bulls, 0 cows. Type new guess. 
The number was 9586. You guessed 9586 in 13 tries. 
Press Any Key to continue... 

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