Historical Compiling40, Revision 2



  • Because you want to help find and fix bugs?
  • Because you want to play with the new changes?
  • Because you want to help develop?
  • Because you want to just see what's happened?

Why not?

  • To run the control software for your company's Nuclear Power Plant.

It should be noted at this time that 4.0 is under very active development. Bugs will exist. API changes will take place. The code is not stable. If you have any questions about these, please see the Why? and Why not? sections again.


You must first download and install a few required development tools in order to compile Euphoria 4.0 from scratch.



Subversion is a tool to access the development source code repository that all developers who work on Euphoria use to keep everyone's code in sync. You must download Subversion and install it in order to get the Euphoria 4.0 source. There are many clients, but for simplicity's sake, I will be describing the use of the command line client. If you are familiar with Subversion, then feel free to use your favorite client to access the source.

The command line client can be downloaded from http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/41687/svn-1.4.6-setup.exe ... Install this application as any other. You may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect, but save some time and wait until the end of the installing all three tools, thus you only have to restart once.

I want the source but don't want install Subversion stuff!!!

If you don't want to install subversion you can simply download a tar file with current development trunk at: http://rapideuphoria.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/rapideuphoria/trunk.tar.gz?view=tar Decompress this file to C:\EU40 keeping internal directory structure.

Open Watcom

OpenWatcom is the C compiler in which we will use to compile Euphoria. At the time of this writing, 1.7a is the latest version and can be downloaded from http://www.openwatcom.org/index.php/Download

It is also like any other installer. During the install, you should choose to include 16bit and 32bit compilers as well as DOS and Windows platforms.

Euphoria 3.1.1

Euphoria v3.1.1 must be installed. It can be downloaded from http://www.rapideuphoria.com/31/e31setup.exe ... It also, is just like any other installer. However, since we want to use multiple version of Euphoria, I changed the install path to: C:\EU311 and that path will be referenced further in the tutorial.

This is also just like any other installer.


To ensure all the environment variables are set correctly, please reboot your Windows machine at this time.


Launch a command shell. Now, before doing anything more let's make sure we have a few things in our path. Typing wmake should run the OpenWatcom make program. You will receive an error about no makefile, but that's OK right now. Typing svn should run the svn client and finally typing exwc should run Euphoria 3.1.1 (press enter on the file? prompt). If all three of those programs ran, we are ready to start. If you have download source as tar file you don't need first step.

C:\> svn co http://rapideuphoria.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rapideuphoria/trunk EU40
... alot of messages stating filenames ...
C:\> SET EUINC=C:\EU40\include
C:\> cd \EU40\source
C:\EU40\source> wmake -f makefile.wat clean
C:\EU40\source> wmake -f makefile.wat distclean
C:\EU40\source> configure --with-eu3
C:\EU40\source> wmake -f makefile.wat
.... alot of build messages ....
C:\EU40\source> copy *.exe ..\bin
.... a few .exe files go by ....
C:\EU40\source> copy *.lib ..\bin
.... ecw.lib goes by ....
C:\EU40\source> SET EUDIR=C:\EU40
C:\EU40\source> SET PATH=C:\EU40\bin;%PATH%
C:\EU40\source> cd ..
C:\EU40> exwc
Euphoria Interpreter 4.0 (development) for 32-bit Windows.
filename to execute?     (just press enter)

4.0 is now installed on your Windows computer. To use, you must make sure that at least two environment variables are set:

PATH=C:\EU40\bin;....other paths here....

Final Tasks

I will leave making those environment variables persistent up to you. It should be noted again that 4.0 is under very active development and should not be used for production purposes.


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