
Program to Run Benchmark Tests

The following bench.ex program was be used to run benchmarks. This program runs each interpreter using the benchmark program and its arguments. This way the startup time for each interpreter is included. The output is the overall run time in seconds.

-- bench.ex 
include std/sequence.e 
include std/console.e as con 
include std/convert.e 
include std/cmdline.e 
include std/map.e 
include std/math.e 
without warning 
constant VERSION = "1.0" 
override procedure abort(integer x) 
end procedure 
ifdef WIN32_GUI then 
	puts(2, "This program must be run from the command-line\n") 
end ifdef 
procedure main() 
	atom min_time = 999_999, max_time = -1 
	sequence opts = { 
		{ "i", "iterations", "Number of iterations (default 1)", { HAS_PARAMETER, "count" } }, 
		{   0, "stdout",     "Use standard output instead of standard error", {} }, 
		{   0, "verbose",    "Verbose (timing for each iteration)", { NO_PARAMETER } }, 
		{   0, "version",    "Display version number", { VERSIONING, "eubench v" & VERSION } } 
	map o = cmd_parse(opts, { NO_VALIDATION_AFTER_FIRST_EXTRA }) 
	integer verbose = map:get(o, "verbose", 0) 
	object iterations = map:get(o, "iterations", 1) 
	if sequence(iterations) then 
		iterations = to_number(iterations) 
	end if 
	sequence cmds = map:get(o, cmdline:EXTRAS) 
	if length(cmds) = 0 then 
	end if 
	-- Set output location: 
	--     if stdout was supplied, it will be 1 otherwise the default map:get is returned 
	--     which is 2, stderr. 
	integer screen_fh = map:get(o, "stdout", 2) 
	sequence cmd = join(cmds) 
	atom t1 = time() 
	for i = 1 to iterations do 
		atom tThis = time() 
		system(cmd, 2) 
		atom tThisTotal = time() - tThis 
		if tThisTotal > max_time then max_time = tThisTotal end if 
		if tThisTotal < min_time then min_time = tThisTotal end if 
		if verbose then 
			printf(screen_fh, "iteration %d: %f\n", { i, tThisTotal }) 
		end if 
	end for 
	atom t2 = time() 
	if iterations > 1 then 
		printf(screen_fh, "%d iterations: total %f, max %f, avg %f, min %f\n", { 
			t2 - t1, 
			(t2 - t1) / iterations, 
		printf(screen_fh, "Time = %f\n", { t2 - t1 }) 
	end if 
end procedure 


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