Wiki Diff allegrocreategames_robspage2, revision #5 to tip

===The robots revenge game, page 2

Ok, so things have moved on a tad, we've now got a functioning menu, the sound plays and stops, now it's time to create our robots.
This is what we have so far

include euallegro.ew
include fmod.e

--global variables
integer ret, snd
atom the_palette = allocate_palette() --allocates space for the palette
atom title_bmp --the title bitmap pointer
object VOID

ret = allegro_init()
ret = install_timer()
ret = install_keyboard()
if install_sound(DIGI_AUTODETECT, MIDI_AUTODETECT, "") = 0 then
snd = 1
snd = 0
allegro_message("Playing without sound ....",{})
end if

ret = FSOUND_Init(44100, 32, 0)
if ret = 0 then
puts(1, "Could not init fmod")
end if

ret = set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN, 640,480, 0, 0)
if ret = -1 then
--switch to a safe mode instead
ret = set_gfx_mode(GFX_SAFE, 640, 480, 0, 0)
end if

procedure show_title_bmp()
--the bitmap is loaded into memory, with a pointer to it, title_bmp
--let's blast it to the screen
blit(title_bmp, screen, --source, dest
0,0, --source co ords
0,0, --dest co ords
bitmap_w(title_bmp), bitmap_h(title_bmp) --the bitmap size to blit

end procedure

procedure main_menu_default(atom menu_buffer )
--copy section of title_bmp to menu_buffer
blit(title_bmp, menu_buffer, --source, dest
floor(640/3), floor(480/3)*2 - 20, --source coords
0,0, --dest coords
floor(640/3), floor(480/3)) --size to blit
--add on the menu options
textout_centre_ex(menu_buffer, font, --dest, font
"Start game", --string
floor(640/3/2),20, --position
makecol(10,10,10), -1 --colour, transparent back ground
textout_centre_ex(menu_buffer, font, --dest, font
"Options", --string
floor(640/3/2),60, --position
makecol(10,10,10), -1 --colour, transparent back ground
textout_centre_ex(menu_buffer, font, --dest, font
"Exit", --string
floor(640/3/2),100, --position
makecol(10,10,10), -1 --colour, transparent back ground
--blit that bit of memory back to the screen
blit(menu_buffer, screen, --source, dest
0,0, --source coords
floor(640/3), floor(480/3)*2 - 20, --dest coords
bitmap_w(menu_buffer), bitmap_h(menu_buffer)) --all of it

end procedure

procedure set_menu_option(integer item_no, atom menu_buffer)
--add on the menu options
if item_no = 1 then
textout_centre_ex(menu_buffer, font, --dest, font
"Start game", --string
floor(640/3/2)-2,20-2, --position
makecol(244,238,66), -1 --colour, transparent back ground
elsif item_no = 2 then
textout_centre_ex(menu_buffer, font, --dest, font
"Options", --string
floor(640/3/2)-2 ,60-2, --position
makecol(244,238,66), -1 --colour, transparent back ground
elsif item_no = 3 then
textout_centre_ex(menu_buffer, font, --dest, font
"Exit", --string
floor(640/3/2)-2,100-2, --position
makecol(244,238,66), -1 --colour, transparent back ground
end if
--blit that bit of memory back to the screen
blit(menu_buffer, screen, --source, dest
0,0, --source coords
floor(640/3), floor(480/3)*2 - 20, --dest coords
bitmap_w(menu_buffer), bitmap_h(menu_buffer)) --all of it

end procedure

procedure main()
--Game flow
--intro title, music
--game options menu
-- start
-- main game loop
-- options
--exit game
integer fn, cn
atom menu_buffer
integer current_item = 1, prev_item = 1

--just called once
title_bmp = load_bitmap("Rtitle.bmp", the_palette)

--show the title - can call this repeatedly

--load intro music
fn = FMUSIC_LoadSong("")
cn = FMUSIC_PlaySong(fn)

--grab a section of the background to act as buffer for the menu
menu_buffer = create_bitmap(floor(640/3), floor(480/3))
set_menu_option(current_item, menu_buffer)

--main menu
while 1 do

VOID = readkey() --just slows down that menu change

if key(KEY_UP) then
current_item -= 1
if current_item = 0 then
current_item = 1
end if
elsif key(KEY_DOWN) then
current_item += 1
if current_item > 3 then
current_item = 3
end if
elsif key(KEY_ENTER) then
if current_item = 3 then
elsif current_item = 1 then
VOID = FMUSIC_StopSong(fn)
VOID = FMUSIC_PlaySong(fn)
elsif current_item = 2 then
VOID = FMUSIC_StopSong(fn)

VOID = FMUSIC_PlaySong(fn)
end if
end if

if current_item != prev_item then
set_menu_option(current_item, menu_buffer)
prev_item = current_item
end if

--wait a little - moves too fast!

end while

--stop the music
VOID = FMUSIC_StopSong(fn)
VOID = FMUSIC_FreeSong(fn)

end procedure

set_color_depth(8) --just need this because of a little graphic quirk
ret = set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN, 640,480, 0, 0)



So we need a sprite for the robot, and a sprite for the player. Let's go overboard and create 2 sprites for the player, and 2 for the robots. We can put as many of the robot sprites down as we want, and this can be used to vary the hardness of the game.

So how to create the sprites. We could use alphanumeric to represent the enemies (as in the olden days), or we could use actual bitmaps. We could load the bitmaps from a file, or we could create them ourselves. We are going to do the latter. Post edit - I've just decided that's an awful idea, so we are going to use a paint package to create 20*20 sprite bitmaps, and load them into memory here.

In the global variables, add some pointers to sprite bitmaps\\
atom r1_bmp, r2_bmp, p1_bmp, p2_bmp, exit_bmp, wall_bmp, telep1_bmp, telp2_bmp

In main() add a call to another procedure\\
create_sprites() \\

and create another procedure

The robot animation sprites
created with paint shop pro, a very simple graphics editing program\\

procedure create_sprites()
--we are going to allow for some experimentation in here
--should only need a one off call, as global pointers
integer sprite_size = 20

r1_bmp = load_bitmap("r1.bmp", the_palette)
r2_bmp = load_bitmap("r2.bmp", the_palette)
pl_bmp = load_bitmap("p1.bmp", the_palette)
p2_bmp = load_bitmap("p2.bmp", the_palette)
exit_bmp = load_bitmap("exit.bmp", the_palette)
wall_bmp = load_bitmap("wall.bmp", the_palette)
telp1_bmp = load_bitmap("telp1.bmp", the_palette) --allows for animation
telp2_bmp = load_bitmap("telp2.bmp", the_palette)

--was going to draw them here, but way too much faff - just drawn bmps in an art package, and loaded.

--that's it - ready to be used now.

end procedure

We'll also load up a different music track, but hopefully we have enough to start the gameplay loop now.

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