Euphoria Ticket #341: many unused -Test -Strict stdlib

warnings of unused in the stdlib, some of these appear to be false positives.

Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0231>:: ..\std\search.e - private variable 'lPosn' of vlookup() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\sequence.e - parameter 'ud' of filter_alpha() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0231>:: ..\std\sequence.e - private variable 'result' of transmute() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\memory.e - parameter 'protection' of register_block() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\memory.e - parameter 'start' of safe_address() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\memory.e - parameter 'len' of safe_address() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\memory.e - parameter 'action' of safe_address() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\memory.e - parameter 'a' of prepare_block() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\memory.e - parameter 'protection' of prepare_block() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\machine.e - parameter 'addr' of std_library_address() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\io.e - private variable 'temp' of read_file() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0231>:: ..\std\io.e - private variable 'adr' of read_file() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0231>:: ..\std\io.e - private variable 'adr' of write_file() is not used 
Warning ( empty_case ): 
	<0220>:: \include\std\map.e:810 - empty case block without fallthru 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\map.e - private variable '_' of load_map() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0228>:: ..\std\map.e - module constant 'maxAutoSize' is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\filesys.e - private variable 'void' of curdir() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\filesys.e - private variable 'lPosC' of canonical_path() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\filesys.e - private variable 'ok' of dir_size() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\filesys.e - private variable 'ret' of temp_file() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0231>:: ..\std\filesys.e - private variable 'setsize' of checksum() is not used 
Warning ( default_case ): 
	<0221>:: \include\std\eds.e:1054 - no 'case else' supplied. 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0231>:: ..\std\eds.e - private variable 'old_path' of db_compress() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0320>:: ..\std\eds.e - module variable 'void' is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\text.e - private variable 'tstart' of format() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\text.e - private variable 'idx' of get_text() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\console.e - parameter 'prompt' of maybe_any_key() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\console.e - parameter 'con' of maybe_any_key() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0231>:: ..\std\console.e - private variable 'vc' of save_text_image() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0231>:: ..\std\cmdline.e - private variable 'slash' of find_opt() is not used 
Warning ( default_case ): 
	<0221>:: \include\std\cmdline.e:977 - no 'case else' supplied. 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0231>:: ..\std\cmdline.e - private variable 'at_file' of cmd_parse() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\graphics.e - parameter 'm' of graphics_mode() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\image.e - private variable 'Size' of read_bitmap() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\image.e - private variable 'Type' of read_bitmap() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\image.e - private variable 'X_hot' of read_bitmap() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\image.e - private variable 'Y_hot' of read_bitmap() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\image.e - private variable 'SizeImage' of read_bitmap() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\image.e - private variable 'XPelsPerMeter' of read_bitmap() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\image.e - private variable 'YPelsPerMeter' of read_bitmap() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\image.e - private variable 'ClrUsed' of read_bitmap() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\image.e - private variable 'ClrImportant' of read_bitmap() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0320>:: ..\std\image.e - module variable 'startXPixel' is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0320>:: ..\std\image.e - module variable 'startYPixel' is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0320>:: ..\std\image.e - module variable 'endYPixel' is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\locale.e - private variable 'size' of money() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\locale.e - private variable 'size' of number() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\locale.e - private variable 'size' of datetime() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0228>:: ..\std\regex.e - module constant 'M_PCRE_FREE' is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0228>:: ..\std\net\dns.e - module constant 'BLOCK_SIZE' is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\net\url.e - private variable 'fieldbuf' of parse_querystring() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\net\http.e - parameter 'kvpairs' of multipart_form_data_encode() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\net\http.e - private variable 'body' of execute_request() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\net\http.e - parameter 'follow_redirects' of http_post() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\net\http.e - parameter 'follow_redirects' of http_get() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0228>:: ..\std\net\http.e - module constant 'R_PATH' is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\pipeio.e - private variable 'ret' of kill() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\pipeio.e - private variable 'ret' of CloseAllHandles() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\pipeio.e - private variable 'fnVal' of create() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\pipeio.e - private variable 'ret' of exec() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\safe.e - parameter 'a' of int_addr() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0230>:: ..\std\safe.e - parameter 'a' of ext_addr() is not used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0322>:: ..\std\safe.e - private variable 'free_succeeded' of free_code() is assigned but never used 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0228>:: ..\std\safe.e - module constant 'M_ALLOC' is not used 


Type: Task Severity: Minor Category: Library Routine
Assigned To: DerekParnell Status: Fixed Reported Release: 3959
Fixed in SVN #: 3960, 3961, 3962, 3963, 3964, 3965, 3967, 3968, 3969, 3970, View VCS: 3960, 3961, 3962, 3963, 3964, 3965, 3967, 3968, 3969, 3970, Milestone: 4.0.0RC2

1. Comment by DerekParnell Nov 09, 2010

Going through the list now.

2. Comment by DerekParnell Nov 09, 2010

The warnings listed above have been dealt with.

3. Comment by jeremy Nov 09, 2010

Some were false positives? Is that a bug in the system or??

4. Comment by DerekParnell Nov 09, 2010

No, there were no false positives. All the reported ones were valid.


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