Euphoria Ticket #172: couldn't add to unittest.log

unittest.log problem started sometime around r3141 on eubins.

I use a bat to create an html test report and noticed the same problem. something changed in eutest in the coverage branch and after merge.

this test runs ok with r3155 source/eutest.ex using later eui & includes

(have to modify split() parameter order)

r3174 to r3118 source/eutest.ex fails
FAILURE: t_*.e couldn't add to unittest.log
unittest.log gets left zero size on exit

not sure where the problem starts exactly and no clue why. nothing obvious jumps out on a diff of eutest.ex versions.

the makefiles can generate an html report as well, target report , this test file shows the problem much quicker.

include std/unittest.e 
include std/filesys.e 
-- doesn't make any sense to bother translating this... 
ifdef not EC then 
sequence eutest = ".." & SLASH &".." & SLASH & "source" & SLASH & "eutest.ex" 
sequence incdir = ".." & SLASH & ".." & SLASH & "include" 
sequence exe    = command_line() 
exe = exe[1] 
sequence files = dir( "t_test_*.e" ) 
for i = 1 to length( files ) do 
	integer result = system_exec( sprintf("%s -i %s %s -log %s",  
		{exe, incdir, eutest, files[i][D_NAME]}), 2 ) 
	integer expected = file_exists(	files[i][D_NAME] & ".fail") 
	test_equal( sprintf("eutest %s", {files[i][D_NAME]}), expected = 0, result = 0 ) 
end for 
	system( sprintf("%s -i %s %s -process-log -html >report.html",  
		{exe, incdir, eutest}), 2 ) 
	test_equal( "eutest report.html exists", 1, file_exists("report.html")) 
	test_equal( "unittest.log >0", 1, 0<file_length("unittest.log")) 
puts(1, "t_eutest report summary:\n") 
set_test_verbosity( TEST_SHOW_ALL ) 
end ifdef 

modified from tests\t_eutest.e 


Type: Bug Report Severity: Major Category: Unit Tests
Assigned To: unknown Status: Fixed Reported Release: 3318
Fixed in SVN #: View VCS: none Milestone:

1. Comment by DerekParnell Jul 10, 2010

I just uploaded a fix for this. The problem was when Matt did the 'coverage' stuff, he recoded the command line switch processing and forgot to pass the "-log" switch to the unit test run, so it was never adding to the log file. This was reported as an error so the test was deemed to have failed.

2. Comment by ne1uno Jul 10, 2010

sounds right, that commandline processing, as Matt pointed out, was pretty convoluted. will test more later.

3. Comment by DerekParnell Jul 10, 2010

In fact, I added a new switch to eutest.ex that gives us a generic method of passing switches just meant for unittest.e.


eutest -testopt xyz  

This will now pass "-xyz" onto the unittest's command line.

4. Comment by ne1uno Jul 11, 2010

unittest report on eubins working again, eutest probably ok. eubins 3319.html

Jeremy must have tweaked the build, not sure it could have built automatically the last 25 revs without some help. (see dev list)


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