Pastey MFTest.exu to demo some more advanced Fdialogs features

--MixedForm test
without warning 
global constant TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0 
object VOID 
include Fdialogs.ex 
sequence result 
result = {} 
function test_mixed_form() 
SetColors(WHITE, BLACK) 
SetStyle(5) position(1,1) MessageBox("",{}) SetStyle(1) --need this so that screen clears properly 
while 1 do 
        result = MixedForm("Test", {BRIGHT_WHITE, BLUE}, 1, 1,  
                                { {MF_LABEL, 3, 3, "Boooo"}, 
                                  {MF_LABEL, 4, 3, "HOOOO"}, 
                                  {MF_TEXT, 3, 10, 20, ""}, 
                                  {MF_TEXT, 4, 10, 20, "And hoo 2 u 2 - lets see what happens if its longer than the field"}, 
                                  {MF_CHECK, 6, 3, FALSE, "Unchecked"}, 
                                  {MF_CHECK, 7, 3, TRUE, "Checked"}, 
                                  {MF_DROPLIST, 9, 3, 20, 5, {"Oranges","Apples", "Pears", "Bananas"}, 2}, 
                                  {MF_BUTTON, 11, 3, 15, 1, "Test Button"} 
end while        
puts(1, "First text box " & result[3] & "\n") 
puts(1, "2nd text box " & result[4] & "\n") 
puts(1, "First check box " & result[5] & "\n") 
puts(1, "2nd check box " & result[6] & "\n") 
puts(1, "Droplist " & result[7]) 
printf(1, "\nTest button result %d\n", {result[8]}) 
return 1 
end function 
function test_list_selection() 
sequence list_1, list_2, result 
list_1 = {      "Apples", 
list_2 = {      "Pizzas", 
list_2 = {} 
--set usual position, colour, size  
SetSize(10, 40) 
result = SelectMultiList("From", "To", list_1, list_2) 
list_1 = result[1] 
list_2 = result[2] 
puts(1, "\nmulti_select_list test \nlist_1 :-\n") 
for i = 1 to length(list_1) do 
        puts(1, list_1[i] & "\n") 
end for 
puts(1, "\nlist_2 :-\n") 
for i = 1 to length(list_2) do 
        puts(1, list_2[i] & "\n") 
end for 
VOID = wait_key() 
return 1 
end function 
--                                              Main 
VOID = test_mixed_form() 
VOID = test_list_selection()