Pastey Dilute Solution

-- DiluteSolution.ex v2 
include std/console.e 
include std/math.e 
include std/convert.e 
include std/text.e 
constant Usage = sprintf("%s", { 

    Dilute a Chlorine Solution: Dilution Law: V1*C1=V2*C2: V1=V2*C2/C1 
            eui DiluteSolution.ex <C1> <V2> <C2> 
    Usage:  eui DiluteSolution.ex <C1> <V2> <C2> <d> 
            eui DiluteSolution.ex <C1> <V2> <C2> <d> <adp> 
    C1 = % Sodium Hypochlorite of stock Bleach at time of purchase 
    V2 = target volume of solution to create with C2% Sodium Hypochlorite 
    option: <d> is the number of days since purchase of C1 + perhaps an  
        estimate of shelf days prior to purchase. If <adp> is added to the  
        command line, the program will calculate a annual degraded C1  
        value based on the value of <adp>; Otherwise, the calculations  
        will be made based upon the nominal value for C1% at the time  
        of purchase. 
    option: <adp> allows the user to specify an annual degradation % other 
        than the default value of 20%. Enter as a whole number or decimal  
        fraction without the % symbol. Not Entering a value for <adp> or  
        entering 0 for the adp value will default the value to 20% 
    To make 32 oz "Cleaner Bleach" with 2% Sodium Hypochlorite: 
    from stock Bleach with 6% nominal Sodium Hypochlorite: 
    eui DiluteSolution.ex 6 32 2  
    use 10.67 oz of C1 + 21.33 oz of distilled water to make solution V2 C2 
    To degrade C1 by 20% annual rate for 190 days:  
    eui DiluteSolution.ex 6 32 2 190  -- degrade C1 @ default 20% annual rate 
    Use 11.91 oz of C1 + 20.09 oz of (distilled) water to make solution V2 C2 
    To make 15 oz "Skin/Wound Wash" with 0.057% Sodium Hypochlorite 
    from stock Bleach with 6% nominal Sodium Hypochlorite: 
    eui DiluteSolution.ex 6 15 0.057 190  -- degrade C1 @ default 20% annual rate 
    use 0.16 oz of C1 + 14.84 oz of distilled water to make solution V2 C2 
    eui DiluteSolution.ex 6 15 0.057 190 35 -- degrade @35% annual rate 
    eui DiluteSolution.ex 6 15 0.057 190 .35 -- degrade @35% annual rate 
    Use 0.17 oz of C1 + 14.83 oz of (distilled) water to make solution V2 C2 

procedure DiluteSolution(sequence cmd) 
integer d=1   
atom V1, C1, V2, C2, adp = 20 -- 20% default annual degradation percentage   
if length(cmd)<5 then display(Usage) abort(0) end if 
C1 = to_number(cmd[3]) -- % Sodium Hypochlorite of stock Bleach at time of purchase 
V2 = to_number(cmd[4]) --  target volume of solution to create with: 
C2 = to_number(cmd[5]) --  C2 % Sodium Hypoclorite 
if length(cmd)>5 then d=to_number(cmd[6]) if d=0 then d=1 end if end if 
if length(cmd)=7 then  
    if adp=0 then adp=20  
    elsif adp<1 then adp*=100 -- adp can be entered as 0.20 or 20 
    end if 
end if 
C1 *= (1-((adp/100)/365.25)*d)   
V1 = round((V2*C2)/C1,100)   
display(sprintf("\n\nUse %.4g oz of C1 + %.4g oz of (distilled) water\nto make %.4g oz of %.4g%s"& 
" Sodium Hypochlorite\n%.4g oz =   %.4g tsp\n\t\t\t\t%.4g tblsp\n\t\t\t\t\t%.4g cup\n\t\t\t\t\t\t%.4g ml",     
{V1,V2-V1, V2, C2, '%', V1, V1*6, V1*2, V1*0.12, V1*29.57})) 
end procedure 