Pastey cargoan's std/text.e

-- == Text Manipulation
-- <>

namespace text

include std/types.e
include std/convert.e
include std/error.e
include std/filesys.e
include std/io.e
include std/math.e
include std/pretty.e
include std/search.e
include std/sequence.e
include std/serialize.e

-- === Routines

-- Signature:
--  function sprintf(sequence format, object values)
-- Description:
-- returns the representation of any Euphoria object as a string of characters with formatting.
-- Parameters:
--		# ##format## : a sequence, the text to print. This text may contain format specifiers.
--		# ##values## : usually, a sequence of values. It should have as many elements as format specifiers in ##format##, as these values will be substituted to the specifiers.
-- Returns:
-- A **sequence**, of printable characters, representing ##format## with the values in ##values## spliced in.
-- Comments:
-- This is exactly the same as [[:printf]] except that the output is returned as a sequence
-- of characters, rather than being sent to a file or device.
-- ##printf(fn, st, x)## is equivalent to ##puts(fn, sprintf(st, x))##.
-- Some typical uses of ##sprintf## are~:
-- # Converting numbers to strings.
-- # Creating strings to pass to ##system##.
-- # Creating formatted error messages that can be passed to a common error message handler.
-- Example 1:
-- s = sprintf("%08d", 12345)
-- -- s is "00012345"
-- See Also:
--   [[:printf]], [[:sprint]], [[:format]]

-- returns the representation of any Euphoria object as a string of characters.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##x## : Any Euphoria object.
-- Returns:
--   A **sequence**, a string representation of ##x##.
-- Comments:
-- This is exactly the same as ##print(fn, x)##, except that the output is returned as a sequence of characters, rather
-- than being sent to a file or device. ##x## can be any Euphoria object.
-- The atoms contained within ##x## will be displayed to a maximum of ten significant digits,
-- just as with [[:print]].
-- Example 1:
-- s = sprint(12345)
-- -- s is "12345"
-- Example 2:
-- s = sprint({10,20,30}+5)
-- -- s is "{15,25,35}"
-- See Also:
--    [[:sprintf]], [[:printf]]

public function sprint(object x)
	sequence s

	if atom(x) then
		return sprintf("%.10g", x)
		s = "{"
		for i = 1 to length(x) do
			if atom(x[i]) then
				s &= sprintf("%.10g", x[i])
				s &= sprint(x[i])
			end if
			s &= ','
		end for
		if s[$] = ',' then
			s[$] = '}'
			s &= '}'
		end if
		return s
	end if
end function

-- trims all items in the supplied set from the leftmost (start or head) of a sequence.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##source## : the sequence to trim.
--   # ##what## : the set of item to trim from ##source## (defaults to ##" \t\r\n"##).
--   # ##ret_index## : If zero (the default) returns the trimmed sequence, otherwise
--                    it returns the index of the leftmost item **not** in ##what##.
-- Returns:
--   A **sequence**, if ##ret_index## is zero, which is the trimmed version of ##source##\\
--   A **integer**, if ##ret_index## is not zero, which is index of the leftmost
--                  element in ##source## that is not in ##what##.
-- Example 1:
-- object s
-- s = trim_head("\r\nSentence read from a file\r\n", "\r\n")
-- -- s is "Sentence read from a file\r\n"
-- s = trim_head("\r\nSentence read from a file\r\n", "\r\n", TRUE)
-- -- s is 3
-- See Also:
--   [[:trim_tail]], [[:trim]], [[:pad_head]]

public function trim_head(sequence source, object what=" \t\r\n", integer ret_index = 0)
	integer lpos
	if atom(what) then
		what = {what}
	end if

	lpos = 1
	while lpos <= length(source) do
		if not find(source[lpos], what) then
		end if
		lpos += 1
	end while

	if ret_index then
		return lpos
		return source[lpos .. $]
	end if
end function

-- trims all items in the supplied set from the rightmost (end or tail) of a sequence.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##source## : the sequence to trim.
--   # ##what## : the set of item to trim from ##source## (defaults to ##" \t\r\n"##).
--   # ##ret_index## : If zero (the default) returns the trimmed sequence, otherwise
--                    it returns the index of the rightmost item **not** in ##what##.
-- Returns:
--   A **sequence**, if ##ret_index## is zero, which is the trimmed version of ##source##\\
--   A **integer**, if ##ret_index## is not zero, which is index of the rightmost
--                  element in ##source## that is not in ##what##.
-- Example 1:
-- object s
-- s = trim_tail("\r\nSentence read from a file\r\n", "\r\n")
-- -- s is "\r\nSentence read from a file"
-- s = trim_tail("\r\nSentence read from a file\r\n", "\r\n", TRUE)
-- -- s is 27
-- See Also:
--   [[:trim_head]], [[:trim]], [[:pad_tail]]

public function trim_tail(sequence source, object what=" \t\r\n", integer ret_index = 0)
	integer rpos

	if atom(what) then
		what = {what}
	end if

	rpos = length(source)
	while rpos > 0 do
		if not find(source[rpos], what) then
		end if
		rpos -= 1
	end while

	if ret_index then
		return rpos
		return source[1..rpos]
	end if
end function

-- trims all items in the supplied set from both the left end (head/start) and right end (tail/end)
-- of a sequence.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##source## : the sequence to trim.
--   # ##what## : the set of item to trim from ##source## (defaults to ##" \t\r\n"##).
--   # ##ret_index## : If zero (the default) returns the trimmed sequence, otherwise
--                    it returns a 2-element sequence containing the index of the
--                    leftmost item and rightmost item **not** in ##what##.
-- Returns:
--   A **sequence**, if ##ret_index## is zero, which is the trimmed version of ##source##\\
--   A **2-element sequence**, if ##ret_index## is not zero, in the form ##{left_index, right_index}## .
-- Example 1:
-- object s
-- s = trim("\r\nSentence read from a file\r\n", "\r\n")
-- -- s is "Sentence read from a file"
-- s = trim("\r\nSentence read from a file\r\n", "\r\n", TRUE)
-- -- s is {3,27}
-- s = trim(" This is a sentence.\n")  -- Default is to trim off all " \t\r\n"
-- -- s is "This is a sentence."
-- See Also:
--   [[:trim_head]], [[:trim_tail]]

public function trim(sequence source, object what=" \t\r\n", integer ret_index = 0)
	integer rpos
	integer lpos

	if atom(what) then
		what = {what}
	end if

	lpos = 1
	while lpos <= length(source) do
		if not find(source[lpos], what) then
		end if
		lpos += 1
	end while

	rpos = length(source)
	while rpos > lpos do
		if not find(source[rpos], what) then
		end if
		rpos -= 1
	end while

	if ret_index then
		return {lpos, rpos}
		if lpos = 1 then
			if rpos = length(source) then
				return source
			end if
		end if
		if lpos > length(source) then
			return {}
		end if
		return source[lpos..rpos]
	end if
end function

ifdef UNIX then
	constant TO_LOWER = 'a' - 'A'
end ifdef

sequence lower_case_SET = {}
sequence upper_case_SET = {}
sequence encoding_NAME = "ASCII"

function load_code_page(sequence cpname)
	object cpdata
	integer pos
	sequence kv
	sequence cp_source
	sequence cp_db

	cp_source = filesys:defaultext(cpname, ".ecp")
	cp_source = filesys:locate_file(cp_source)

	cpdata = io:read_lines(cp_source)
	if sequence(cpdata) then

		pos = 0
		while pos < length(cpdata) do
			pos += 1
			cpdata[pos]  = trim(cpdata[pos])
			if search:begins("--HEAD--", cpdata[pos]) then
			end if
			if cpdata[pos][1] = ';' then
				continue	-- A comment line
			end if
			if search:begins("--CASE--", cpdata[pos]) then
			end if

			kv = keyvalues(cpdata[pos],,,,"")
			if equal(lower(kv[1][1]), "title") then
				encoding_NAME = kv[1][2]
			end if
		end while
		if pos > length(cpdata) then
			return -2 -- No Case Conversion table found.
		end if

		upper_case_SET = ""
		lower_case_SET = ""
		while pos < length(cpdata) do
			pos += 1
			cpdata[pos]  = trim(cpdata[pos])
			if length(cpdata[pos]) < 3 then
			end if
			if cpdata[pos][1] = ';' then
				continue	-- A comment line
			end if
			if cpdata[pos][1] = '-' then
			end if

			kv = keyvalues(cpdata[pos])
			upper_case_SET &= convert:hex_text(kv[1][1])
			lower_case_SET &= convert:hex_text(kv[1][2])
		end while

		-- See if its in the database.
		cp_db = filesys:locate_file("ecp.dat")
		integer fh = open(cp_db, "rb")
		if fh = -1 then
			return -2 -- Couldn't open DB
		end if
		object idx
		object vers
		vers = serialize:deserialize(fh)  -- get the database version
		if atom(vers) or length(vers) = 0 then
			return -3 -- DB is wrong or corrupted.
		end if
		switch vers[1] do
			case 1, 2 then
				idx = serialize:deserialize(fh)  -- get Code Page index offset
				pos = io:seek(fh, idx)
				idx = serialize:deserialize(fh)	-- get the Code Page Index
				pos = find(cpname, idx[1])
				if pos != 0 then
					pos = io:seek(fh, idx[2][pos])
					upper_case_SET = serialize:deserialize(fh) -- "uppercase"
					lower_case_SET = serialize:deserialize(fh) -- "lowercase"
					encoding_NAME = serialize:deserialize(fh) -- "title"
				end if
			case else
				return -4 -- Unhandled ecp database version.
		end switch

	end if
	return 0
end function

-- sets the table of lowercase and uppercase characters that is used by
-- [[:lower]] and [[:upper]]
-- Parameters:
--   # ##en## : The name of the encoding represented by these character sets
--   # ##lc## : The set of lowercase characters
--   # ##uc## : The set of upper case characters
-- Comments:
-- * ##lc## and ##uc## must be the same length.
-- * If no parameters are given, the default ASCII table is set.
-- Example 1:
-- set_encoding_properties( "Elvish", "aeiouy", "AEIOUY")
-- Example 1:
-- set_encoding_properties( "1251") -- Loads a predefined code page.
-- See Also:
--   [[:lower]], [[:upper]], [[:get_encoding_properties]]

public procedure set_encoding_properties(sequence en = "", sequence lc = "", sequence uc = "")
	integer res

	if length(en) > 0 and length(lc) = 0 and length(uc) = 0 then
		res = load_code_page(en)
		if res != 0 then
			printf(2, "Failed to load code page '%s'. Error # %d\n", {en, res})
		end if
	end if

	if length(lc) = length(uc) then
		if length(lc) = 0 and length(en) = 0 then
			en = "ASCII"
		end if
		lower_case_SET = lc
		upper_case_SET = uc
		encoding_NAME = en
	end if
end procedure

-- gets the table of lowercase and uppercase characters that is used by
-- [[:lower]] and [[:upper]].
-- Parameters:
-- none
-- Returns:
-- A **sequence**, containing three items.\\
--   ##{Encoding_Name, LowerCase_Set, UpperCase_Set}##
-- Example 1:
-- encode_sets = get_encoding_properties()
-- See Also:
--   [[:lower]], [[:upper]], [[:set_encoding_properties]]

public function get_encoding_properties( )
	return {encoding_NAME, lower_case_SET, upper_case_SET}
end function

ifdef WINDOWS then
	include std/dll.e
	include std/machine.e
	include std/types.e
		user32 = open_dll( "user32.dll"),
		api_CharLowerBuff = define_c_func(user32, "CharLowerBuffA", {C_POINTER, C_INT}, C_INT),
		api_CharUpperBuff = define_c_func(user32, "CharUpperBuffA", {C_POINTER, C_INT}, C_INT),
		tm_size = 1024,
		temp_mem = allocate(1024)

	function change_case(object x, object api)
		sequence changed_text
		integer single_char = 0
		integer len
		if not string(x) then
			if atom(x) then
				if x = 0 then
					return 0
				end if
				x = {x}
				single_char = 1
				for i = 1 to length(x) do
					x[i] = change_case(x[i], api)
				end for
				return x
			end if
		end if
		if length(x) = 0 then
			return x
		end if
		if length(x) >= tm_size then
			tm_size = length(x) + 1
			temp_mem = allocate(tm_size)
		end if
		poke(temp_mem, x)
		len = c_func(api, {temp_mem, length(x)} )
		changed_text = peek({temp_mem, len})
		if single_char then
			return changed_text[1]
			return changed_text
		end if
	end function
end ifdef

-- converts an atom or sequence to lower case.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##x## : Any Euphoria object.
-- Returns:
--   A **sequence**, the lowercase version of ##x##
-- Comments:
-- * For //Windows// systems, this uses the current code page for conversion
-- * For //Unix// this only works on ASCII characters. It alters characters in
--   the ##'a'..'z'## range. If you need to do case conversion with other encodings
--   use the [[:set_encoding_properties]] first.
-- * ##x## may be a sequence of any shape, all atoms of which will be acted upon.
-- **WARNING**, When using ASCII encoding, this can also affect floating point
-- numbers in the range ##65## to ##90##.
-- Example 1:
-- s = lower("Euphoria")
-- -- s is "euphoria"
-- a = lower('B')
-- -- a is 'b'
-- s = lower({"Euphoria", "Programming"})
-- -- s is {"euphoria", "programming"}
-- See Also:
--   [[:upper]], [[:proper]], [[:set_encoding_properties]], [[:get_encoding_properties]]

public function lower(object x)
	if length(lower_case_SET) != 0 then
		return stdseq:mapping(x, upper_case_SET, lower_case_SET)
	end if
	ifdef WINDOWS then
		return change_case(x, api_CharLowerBuff)
		return x + (x >= 'A' and x <= 'Z') * TO_LOWER
	end ifdef
end function

-- converts an atom or sequence to upper case.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##x## : Any Euphoria object.
-- Returns:
--   A **sequence**, the uppercase version of ##x##
-- Comments:
-- * For //Windows// systems, this uses the current code page for conversion
-- * For //Unix// this only works on ASCII characters. It alters characters in
--   the ##'a'..'z'## range. If you need to do case conversion with other encodings
--   use the [[:set_encoding_properties]] first.
-- * ##x## may be a sequence of any shape, all atoms of which will be acted upon.
-- **WARNING**, When using ASCII encoding, this can also affects floating point
-- numbers in the range ##97## to ##122##.
-- Example 1:
-- s = upper("Euphoria")
-- -- s is "EUPHORIA"
-- a = upper('b')
-- -- a is 'B'
-- s = upper({"Euphoria", "Programming"})
-- -- s is {"EUPHORIA", "PROGRAMMING"}
-- See Also:
--     [[:lower]], [[:proper]], [[:set_encoding_properties]], [[:get_encoding_properties]]

public function upper(object x)
	if length(upper_case_SET) != 0 then
		return stdseq:mapping(x, lower_case_SET, upper_case_SET)
	end if
	ifdef WINDOWS then
		return change_case(x, api_CharUpperBuff)
		return x - (x >= 'a' and x <= 'z') * TO_LOWER
	end ifdef

end function

-- converts a text sequence to capitalized words.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##x## : A text sequence.
-- Returns:
--   A **sequence**, the Capitalized Version of ##x##
-- Comments:
-- A text sequence is one in which all elements are either characters or
-- text sequences. This means that if a non-character is found in the input,
-- it is not converted. However this rule only applies to elements on the
-- same level, meaning that sub-sequences could be converted if they are
-- actually text sequences.
-- Example 1:
-- s = proper("euphoria programming language")
-- -- s is "Euphoria Programming Language"
-- -- s is "Euphoria Programming Language"
-- s = proper({"EUPHORIA PROGRAMMING", "language", "rapid dEPLOYMENT", "sOfTwArE"})
-- -- s is {"Euphoria Programming", "Language", "Rapid Deployment", "Software"}
-- s = proper({'a', 'b', 'c'})
-- -- s is {'A', 'b', c'} -- "Abc"
-- s = proper({'a', 'b', 'c', 3.1472})
-- -- s is {'a', 'b', c', 3.1472} -- Unchanged because it contains a non-character.
-- s = proper({"abc", 3.1472})
-- -- s is {"Abc", 3.1472} -- The embedded text sequence is converted.
-- See Also:
--     [[:lower]] [[:upper]]

public function proper(sequence x)
	integer pos
	integer inword
	integer convert
	sequence res

	inword = 0	-- Initially not in a word
	convert = 1	-- Initially convert text
	res = x		-- Work on a copy of the original, in case we need to restore.
	for i = 1 to length(res) do
		if integer(res[i]) then
			if convert then
				-- Check for upper case
				pos = types:t_upper(res[i])
				if pos = 0 then
					-- Not upper, so check for lower case
					pos = types:t_lower(res[i])
					if pos = 0 then
						-- Not lower so check for digits
						-- n.b. digits have no effect on if its in a word or not.
						pos = t_digit(res[i])
						if pos = 0 then
							-- not digit so check for special word chars
							pos = t_specword(res[i])
							if pos then
								inword = 1
								inword = 0
							end if
						end if
						if inword = 0 then
							-- start of word, so convert only lower to upper.
							if pos <= 26 then
								res[i] = upper(res[i]) -- Convert to uppercase
							end if
							inword = 1	-- now we are in a word
						end if
					end if
					if inword = 1 then
						-- Upper, but as we are in a word convert it to lower.
						res[i] = lower(res[i]) -- Convert to lowercase
						inword = 1	-- now we are in a word
					end if
				end if
			end if
			-- A non-integer means this is NOT a text sequence, so
			-- only convert sub-sequences.
			if convert then
				-- Restore any values that might have been converted.
				for j = 1 to i-1 do
					if atom(x[j]) then
						res[j] = x[j]
					end if
				end for
				-- Turn conversion off for the rest of this level.
				convert = 0
			end if

			if sequence(res[i]) then
				res[i] = proper(res[i])	-- recursive conversion
			end if
		end if
	end for
	return res
end function

-- converts a string containing Key/Value pairs into a set of
-- sequences, one per K/V pair.
-- Parameters:
-- # ##source## : a text sequence, containing the representation of the key/values.
-- # ##pair_delim## : an object containing a list of elements that delimit one
--                   key/value pair from the next. The defaults are semi-colon (;)
--                   and comma (,).
-- # ##kv_delim## : an object containing a list of elements that delimit the
--                key from its value. The defaults are colon (:) and equal (=).
-- # ##quotes## : an object containing a list of elements that can be used to
--                enclose either keys or values that contain delimiters or
--                whitespace. The defaults are double-quote ("), single-quote (')
--                and back-quote (`)
-- # ##whitespace## : an object containing a list of elements that are regarded
--                as whitespace characters. The defaults are space, tab, new-line,
--                and carriage-return.
-- # ##haskeys## : an integer containing true or false. The default is true. When
-- ##true##, the ##kv_delim## values are used to separate keys from values, but
-- when ##false## it is assumed that each 'pair' is actually just a value.
-- Returns:
-- 		A **sequence**, of pairs. Each pair is in the form ##{key, value}##.
-- Comments:
-- String representations of atoms are not converted, either in the key or value part, but returned as any regular string instead.
-- If ##haskeys## is ##true##, but a substring only holds what appears to be a value, the key
-- is synthesized as ##p[n]##, where ##n## is the number of the pair. See Example 2.
-- By default, pairs can be delimited by either a comma or semi-colon ",;" and
-- a key is delimited from its value by either an equal or a colon "=:".
-- Whitespace between pairs, and between delimiters is ignored.
-- If you need to have one of the delimiters in the value data, enclose it in
-- quotation marks. You can use any of single, double and back quotes, which
-- also means you can quote quotation marks themselves. See Example 3.
-- It is possible that the value data itself is a nested set of pairs. To do
-- this enclose the value in parentheses. Nested sets can nested to any level.
-- See Example 4.
-- If a sub-list has only data values and not keys, enclose it in either braces
-- or square brackets. See Example 5.
-- If you need to have a bracket as the first character in a data value, prefix
-- it with a tilde. Actually a leading tilde will always just be stripped off
-- regardless of what it prefixes. See Example 6.
-- Example 1:
-- s= keyvalues("foo=bar, qwe=1234, asdf='contains space, comma, and equal(=)'")
-- -- s is 
-- -- {
-- --   {"foo", "bar"}, 
-- --   {"qwe", "1234"}, 
-- --   {"asdf", "contains space, comma, and equal(=)"}
-- --  }
-- Example 2:
-- s = keyvalues("abc fgh=ijk def")
-- -- s is { {"p[1]", "abc"}, {"fgh", "ijk"}, {"p[3]", "def"} }
-- Example 3:
-- s = keyvalues("abc=`'quoted'`")
-- -- s is { {"abc", "'quoted'"} }
-- Example 4:
-- s = keyvalues("colors=(a=black, b=blue, c=red)")
-- -- s is { {"colors", {{"a", "black"}, {"b", "blue"},{"c", "red"}}  } }
-- s = keyvalues("colors=(black=[0,0,0], blue=[0,0,FF], red=[FF,0,0])")
-- -- s is 
-- -- { {"colors", 
-- --   {{"black",{"0", "0", "0"}}, 
-- --   {"blue",{"0", "0", "FF"}},
-- --   {"red", {"FF","0","0"}}}} }
-- Example 5:
-- s = keyvalues("colors=[black, blue, red]")
-- -- s is { {"colors", { "black", "blue", "red"}  } }
-- Example 6:
-- s = keyvalues("colors=~[black, blue, red]")
-- -- s is { {"colors", "[black, blue, red]"}  } }
-- -- The following is another way to do the same.
-- s = keyvalues("colors=`[black, blue, red]`")
-- -- s is { {"colors", "[black, blue, red]"}  } }

public function keyvalues(sequence source, object pair_delim = ";,",
			object kv_delim = ":=", object quotes =  "\"'`",
			object whitespace = " \t\n\r", integer haskeys = 1)
	sequence lKeyValues
	sequence value_
	sequence key_
	sequence lAllDelim
	sequence lWhitePair
	sequence lStartBracket
	sequence lEndBracket
	sequence lBracketed
	integer lQuote
	integer pos_
	integer lChar
	integer lBPos
	integer lWasKV

	source = trim(source)
	if length(source) = 0 then
		return {}
	end if

	if atom(pair_delim) then
		pair_delim = {pair_delim}
	end if
	if atom(kv_delim) then
		kv_delim = {kv_delim}
	end if
	if atom(quotes) then
		quotes = {quotes}
	end if
	if atom(whitespace) then
		whitespace = {whitespace}
	end if

	lAllDelim = whitespace & pair_delim & kv_delim
	lWhitePair = whitespace & pair_delim
	lStartBracket = "{[("
	lEndBracket   = "}])"

	lKeyValues = {}
	pos_ = 1
	while pos_ <= length(source) do
		-- ignore leading whitespace
		while pos_ < length(source) do
			if find(source[pos_], whitespace) = 0 then
			end if
			pos_ +=1
		end while

		-- Get key. Ends at any of unquoted whitespace or unquoted delimiter
		key_ = ""
		lQuote = 0
		lChar = 0
		lWasKV = 0
		if haskeys then
			while pos_ <= length(source) do
				lChar = source[pos_]
				if find(lChar, quotes) != 0 then
					if lChar = lQuote then
						-- End of quoted span
						lQuote = 0
						lChar = -1
					elsif lQuote = 0 then
						-- Start of quoted span
						lQuote = lChar
						lChar = -1
					end if

				elsif lQuote = 0 and find(lChar, lAllDelim) != 0 then

				end if
				if lChar > 0 then
					key_ &= lChar
				end if
				pos_ += 1
			end while

			-- ignore next whitespace
			if find(lChar, whitespace) != 0 then
				pos_ += 1
				while pos_ <= length(source) do
					lChar = source[pos_]
					if find(lChar, whitespace) = 0 then
					end if
					pos_ +=1
				end while
			end if
			pos_ -= 1	-- Put back the last char.
		end if

		value_ = ""
		if find(lChar, kv_delim) != 0  or not haskeys then

			if find(lChar, kv_delim) != 0 then
				lWasKV = 1
			end if

			-- ignore next whitespace
			pos_ += 1
			while pos_ <= length(source) do
				lChar = source[pos_]
				if find(lChar, whitespace) = 0 then
				end if
				pos_ +=1
			end while

			-- Get value. Ends at any of unquoted whitespace or unquoted delimiter
			lQuote = 0
			lChar = 0
			lBracketed = {}
			while pos_ <= length(source) do
				lChar = source[pos_]
				if length(lBracketed) = 0 and find(lChar, quotes) != 0 then
					if lChar = lQuote then
						-- End of quoted span
						lQuote = 0
						lChar = -1
					elsif lQuote = 0 then
						-- Start of quoted span
						lQuote = lChar
						lChar = -1
					end if
				elsif length(value_) = 1 and value_[1] = '~' and find(lChar, lStartBracket) > 0 then
					lBPos = find(lChar, lStartBracket)
					lBracketed &= lEndBracket[lBPos]

				elsif find(lChar, lStartBracket) > 0 then
					lBPos = find(lChar, lStartBracket)
					lBracketed &= lEndBracket[lBPos]

				elsif length(lBracketed) != 0 and lChar = lBracketed[$] then
					lBracketed = lBracketed[1..$-1]

				elsif length(lBracketed) = 0 and lQuote = 0 and find(lChar, lWhitePair) != 0 then

				end if

				if lChar > 0 then
					value_ &= lChar
				end if
				pos_ += 1
			end while

			if find(lChar, whitespace) != 0  then
				-- ignore next whitespace
				pos_ += 1
				while pos_ <= length(source) do
					lChar = source[pos_]
					if find(lChar, whitespace) = 0 then
					end if
					pos_ +=1
				end while
			end if

			if find(lChar, pair_delim) != 0  then
				pos_ += 1
				if pos_ <= length(source) then
					lChar = source[pos_]
				end if
			end if
		end if

		if find(lChar, pair_delim) != 0  then
			pos_ += 1
		end if

		if length(value_) = 0 then
			if length(key_) = 0 then
				lKeyValues = append(lKeyValues, {})
			end if

			if not lWasKV then
				value_ = key_
				key_ = ""
			end if
		end if

		if length(key_) = 0 then
			if haskeys then
				key_ =  sprintf("p[%d]", length(lKeyValues) + 1)
			end if
		end if

		if length(value_) > 0 then
			lChar = value_[1]
			lBPos = find(lChar, lStartBracket)
			if lBPos > 0 and value_[$] = lEndBracket[lBPos] then
				if lChar = '(' then
					value_ = keyvalues(value_[2..$-1], pair_delim, kv_delim, quotes, whitespace, haskeys)
					value_ = keyvalues(value_[2..$-1], pair_delim, kv_delim, quotes, whitespace, 0)
				end if
			elsif lChar = '~' then
				value_ = value_[2 .. $]
			end if
		end if

		key_ = trim(key_)
		value_ = trim(value_)
		if length(key_) = 0 then
			lKeyValues = append(lKeyValues, value_)
			lKeyValues = append(lKeyValues, {key_, value_})
		end if

	end while

	return lKeyValues
end function

-- escapes special characters in a string.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##s##: string to escape
--   # ##what##: sequence of characters to escape
--     defaults to escaping a double quote.
-- Returns:
--   An escaped ##sequence## representing ##s##.
-- Example 1:
-- sequence s = escape("John \"Mc\" Doe")
-- puts(1, s)
-- -- output is: John \"Mc\" Doe
-- See Also:
--  [[:quote]]

public function escape(sequence s, sequence what="\"")
	sequence r = ""

	for i = 1 to length(s) do
		if find(s[i], what) then
			r &= "\\"
		end if
		r &= s[i]
	end for

	return r
end function

-- returns a quoted version of the first argument.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##text_in## : The string or set of strings to quote.
--   # ##quote_pair## : A sequence of two strings. The first string is the opening
--              quote to use, and the second string is the closing quote to use.
--              The default is {"\"", "\""} which means that the output will be
--              enclosed by double-quotation marks.
--   # ##esc## : A single escape character. If this is not negative (the default),
--              then this is used to 'escape' any embedded quote characters and
--              'esc' characters already in the ##text_in## string.
--   # ##sp##  : A list of zero or more special characters. The ##text_in## is only
--             quoted if it contains any of the special characters. The default
--             is "" which means that the ##text_in## is always quoted.
-- Returns:
--   A **sequence**, the quoted version of ##text_in##.
-- Example 1:
-- -- Using the defaults. Output enclosed in double-quotes, no escapes and no specials.
-- s = quote("The small man")
-- -- 's' now contains '"the small man"' including the double-quote characters.
-- Example 2:
-- s = quote("The small man", {"(", ")"} )
-- -- 's' now contains '(the small man)'
-- Example 3:
-- s = quote("The (small) man", {"(", ")"}, '~' )
-- -- 's' now contains '(The ~(small~) man)'
-- Example 4:
-- s = quote("The (small) man", {"(", ")"}, '~', "#" )
-- -- 's' now contains "the (small) man"
-- -- because the input did not contain a '#' character.
-- Example 5:
-- s = quote("The #1 (small) man", {"(", ")"}, '~', "#" )
-- -- 's' now contains '(the #1 ~(small~) man)'
-- -- because the input did contain a '#' character.
-- Example 6:
-- -- input is a set of strings...
-- s = quote({"a b c", "def", "g hi"},)
-- -- 's' now contains three quoted strings: '"a b c"', '"def"', and '"g hi"'
-- See Also:
--   [[:escape]]

public function quote( sequence text_in, object quote_pair = {"\"", "\""}, integer esc = -1, 
		t_text sp = "" )
	if length(text_in) = 0 then
		return text_in
	end if

	if atom(quote_pair) then
		quote_pair = {{quote_pair}, {quote_pair}}
	elsif length(quote_pair) = 1 then
		quote_pair = {quote_pair[1], quote_pair[1]}
	elsif length(quote_pair) = 0 then
		quote_pair = {"\"", "\""}
	end if

	if sequence(text_in[1]) then
		for i = 1 to length(text_in) do
			if sequence(text_in[i]) then
				text_in[i] = quote(text_in[i], quote_pair, esc, sp)
			end if
		end for

		return text_in
	end if

	-- Only quote the input if it contains any of the items in 'sp'
	for i = 1 to length(sp) do
		if find(sp[i], text_in) then
		end if

		if i = length(sp) then
			-- Contains none of them, so just return the input untouched.
			return text_in
		end if
	end for

	if esc >= 0  then
		-- If the input already contains a quote, replace them with esc-quote,
		-- but make sure that if the input already contains esc-quote that all
		-- embedded escapes are replaced with esc-esc first.
		if atom(quote_pair[1]) then
			quote_pair[1] = {quote_pair[1]}
		end if
		if atom(quote_pair[2]) then
			quote_pair[2] = {quote_pair[2]}
		end if

		if equal(quote_pair[1], quote_pair[2]) then
			-- Simple case where both open and close quote are the same.
			if match(quote_pair[1], text_in) then
				if match(esc & quote_pair[1], text_in) then
					text_in = search:match_replace(esc, text_in, esc & esc)
				end if
				text_in = search:match_replace(quote_pair[1], text_in, esc & quote_pair[1])
			end if
			if match(quote_pair[1], text_in) or
			   match(quote_pair[2], text_in) then
				if match(esc & quote_pair[1], text_in) then
					text_in = search:match_replace(esc & quote_pair[1], text_in, esc & esc & quote_pair[1])
				end if
				text_in = match_replace(quote_pair[1], text_in, esc & quote_pair[1])
			end if

			if match(quote_pair[2], text_in) then
				if match(esc & quote_pair[2], text_in) then
					text_in = search:match_replace(esc & quote_pair[2], text_in, esc & esc & quote_pair[2])
				end if
				text_in = search:match_replace(quote_pair[2], text_in, esc & quote_pair[2])
			end if
		end if
	end if

	return quote_pair[1] & text_in & quote_pair[2]

end function

-- removes 'quotation' text from the argument.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##text_in## : The string or set of strings to de-quote.
--   # ##quote_pairs## : A set of one or more sub-sequences of two strings,
--              or an atom representing a single character to be used as 
--              both the open and close quotes.
--              The first string in each sub-sequence is the opening
--              quote to look for, and the second string is the closing quote.
--              The default is {{{"\"", "\""}}} which means that the output is
--              'quoted' if it is enclosed by double-quotation marks.
--   # ##esc## : A single escape character. If this is not negative (the default),
--              then this is used to 'escape' any embedded occurrences of the
--              quote characters. In which case the 'escape' character is also
--              removed.
-- Returns:
-- A **sequence**, the original text but with 'quote' strings stripped of quotes.
-- Example 1:
-- -- Using the defaults.
-- s = dequote("\"The small man\"")
-- -- 's' now contains "The small man"
-- Example 2:
-- -- Using the defaults.
-- s = dequote("(The small ?(?) man)", {{"(",")"}}, '?')
-- -- 's' now contains "The small () man"

public function dequote(sequence text_in, object quote_pairs = {{"\"", "\""}}, integer esc = -1)

	if length(text_in) = 0 then
		return text_in
	end if

	if atom(quote_pairs) then
		quote_pairs = {{{quote_pairs}, {quote_pairs}}}
	elsif length(quote_pairs) = 1 then
		quote_pairs = {quote_pairs[1], quote_pairs[1]}
	elsif length(quote_pairs) = 0 then
		quote_pairs = {{"\"", "\""}}
	end if

	if sequence(text_in[1]) then
		for i = 1 to length(text_in) do
			if sequence(text_in[i]) then
				text_in[i] = dequote(text_in[i], quote_pairs, esc)
			end if
		end for

		return text_in
	end if

	-- If the text begins and ends with a quote-pair then strip them off and
	-- remove the 'escape' from any 'escaped' quote_pairs within the text.
	for i = 1 to length(quote_pairs) do
		if length(text_in) >= length(quote_pairs[i][1]) + length(quote_pairs[i][2]) then
			if search:begins(quote_pairs[i][1], text_in) and search:ends(quote_pairs[i][2], text_in) then
				text_in = text_in[1 + length(quote_pairs[i][1]) .. $ - length(quote_pairs[i][2])]
				integer pos = 1
				while pos > 0 with entry do
					if search:begins(quote_pairs[i][1], text_in[pos+1 .. $]) then
						text_in = text_in[1 .. pos-1] & text_in[pos + 1 .. $]
					elsif search:begins(quote_pairs[i][2], text_in[pos+1 .. $]) then
						text_in = text_in[1 .. pos-1] & text_in[pos + 1 .. $]
						pos += 1
					end if
					pos = find(esc, text_in, pos)
				end while
			end if
		end if
	end for

	return text_in
end function

-- formats a set of arguments in to a string based on a supplied pattern.
-- Parameters:
--   # ##format_pattern## : A sequence: the pattern string that contains zero or more tokens.
--   # ##arg_list## : An object: Zero or more arguments used in token replacement.
-- Returns:
-- A string **sequence**, the original ##format_pattern## but with tokens replaced by
-- corresponding arguments.
-- Comments:
-- The ##format_pattern## string contains text and argument tokens. The resulting string
-- is the same as the format string except that each token is replaced by an
-- item from the argument list.
-- A token has the form **##[]##**, where #### is are optional qualifier codes.
-- The qualifier. #### is a set of zero or more codes that modify the default
-- way that the argument is used to replace the token. The default replacement
-- way is to convert the argument to its shortest string representation and
-- use that to replace the token. This may be modified by the following codes,
-- which can occur in any order.
-- |= Qualifier |= Usage                                              |
-- |  N         | ('N' is an integer) The index of the argument to use|
-- | {id}       | Uses the argument that begins with "id=" where "id" \\
--                is an identifier name.                              |
-- | %envvar%   | Uses the Environment Symbol 'envar' as an argument  |
-- |  w         | For string arguments, if capitalizes the first\\
--                letter in each word                                 |
-- |  u         | For string arguments, it converts it to upper case. |
-- |  l         | For string arguments, it converts it to lower case. |
-- |  <         | For numeric arguments, it left justifies it.        |
-- |  >         | For string arguments, it right justifies it.        |
-- |  c         | Centers the argument.                               |
-- |  z         | For numbers, it zero fills the left side.           |
-- |  :S        | ('S' is an integer) The maximum size of the\\
--                resulting field. Also, if 'S' begins with '0' the\\
--                field will be zero-filled if the argument is an integer|
-- |  .N        | ('N' is an integer) The number of digits after\\
--                 the  decimal point                                 |
-- |  +         | For positive numbers, show a leading plus sign      |
-- |  (         | For negative numbers, enclose them in parentheses   |
-- |  b         | For numbers, causes zero to be all blanks           |
-- |  s         | If the resulting field would otherwise be zero\\
--                length, this ensures that at least one space occurs\\
--                between this token's field                          |
-- |  t         | After token replacement, the resulting string up to this point is trimmed. |
-- |  X         | Outputs integer arguments using hexadecimal digits. |
-- |  B         | Outputs integer arguments using binary digits.      |
-- |  ?         | The corresponding argument is a set of two strings. This\\
--                uses the first string if the previous token's argument is\\
--                not the value 1 or a zero-length string, otherwise it\\
--                uses the second string.                             |
-- |  [         | Does not use any argument. Outputs a left-square-bracket symbol |
-- |  ,X        | Insert thousands separators. The  is the character\\
--                to use. If this is a dot "." then the decimal point\\
--                is rendered using a comma. Does not apply to zero-filled\\
--                fields.                         \\
--                N.B. if hex or binary output was specified, the \\
--                separators are every 4 digits otherwise they are \\
--                every three digits. |
-- |  T         | If the argument is a number it is output as a text character, \\
--                otherwise it is output as text string |
-- Clearly, certain combinations of these qualifier codes do not make sense and in
-- those situations, the rightmost clashing code is used and the others are ignored.
-- Any tokens in the format that have no corresponding argument are simply removed
-- from the result. Any arguments that are not used in the result are ignored.
-- Any sequence argument that is not a string will be converted to its
-- //pretty// format before being used in token replacement.
-- If a token is going to be replaced by a zero-length argument, all white space
-- following the token until the next non-whitespace character is not copied to
-- the result string.
-- Example 1:
-- format("Cannot open file '[]' - code []", {"/usr/temp/work.dat", 32})
-- -- "Cannot open file '/usr/temp/work.dat' - code 32"
-- format("Err-[2], Cannot open file '[1]'", {"/usr/temp/work.dat", 32})
-- -- "Err-32, Cannot open file '/usr/temp/work.dat'"
-- format("[4w] [3z:2] [6] [5l] [2z:2], [1:4]", {2009,4,21,"DAY","MONTH","of"})
-- -- "Day 21 of month 04, 2009"
-- format("The answer is [:6.2]%", {35.22341})
-- -- "The answer is  35.22%"
-- format("The answer is [.6]", {1.2345})
-- -- "The answer is 1.234500"
-- format("The answer is [,,.2]", {1234.56})
-- -- "The answer is 1,234.56"
-- format("The answer is [,..2]", {1234.56})
-- -- "The answer is 1.234,56"
-- format("The answer is [,:.2]", {1234.56})
-- -- "The answer is 1:234.56"
-- format("[] [?]", {5, {"cats", "cat"}})
-- -- "5 cats"
-- format("[] [?]", {1, {"cats", "cat"}})
-- -- "1 cat"
-- format("[<:4]", {"abcdef"})
-- -- "abcd"
-- format("[>:4]", {"abcdef"})
-- -- "cdef"
-- format("[>:8]", {"abcdef"})
-- -- "  abcdef"
-- format("seq is []", {{1.2, 5, "abcdef", {3}}})
-- -- `seq is {1.2,5,"abcdef",{3}}`
-- format("Today is [{day}], the [{date}]", {"date=10/Oct/2012", "day=Wednesday"})
-- -- "Today is Wednesday, the 10/Oct/2012"
-- format("'A' is [T]", 65)
-- -- `'A' is A`
-- See Also:
--   [[:sprintf]]

ifdef EU4_1 then
    constant MAX_BITS =  64
    constant MAX_DIGS =  18
    constant MAX_INT  =  0x3FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF
    constant MIN_INT  = -0x4000_0000_0000_0000
    constant MAX_BITS =  32
    constant MAX_DIGS =  15
    constant MAX_INT  =  0x3FFF_FFFF
    constant MIN_INT  = -0x4000_0000
end ifdef

constant MAX_UCS4 =  0xFFFF_FFFF
constant MAX_IFMT =  0x3FFF_FFFF
constant MIN_IFMT = -0x4000_0000

public function format(sequence format_pattern, object arg_list = {})
	sequence result
	integer in_token
	integer tch
	integer i
	integer tend
	integer cap
	integer align
	integer psign
	integer msign
	integer zfill
	integer bwz
	integer spacer
	integer alt
	integer width
	integer decs
	integer pos
	integer argn
	integer argl
	integer trimming
	integer hexout
	integer binout
	integer tsep
	integer istext
	object prevargv
	object currargv
	sequence idname
	object envsym
	object envvar
	integer ep
	integer pflag
	integer count
	sequence fmt
	atom argval
	if atom(arg_list) then
		arg_list = {arg_list}
	end if

	result = ""
	in_token = 0

	i = 0
	tend = 0
	argl = 0
	spacer = 0
	prevargv = 0
    while i < length(format_pattern) do
    	i += 1
    	tch = format_pattern[i]
    	if not in_token then
    		if tch = '[' then
    			in_token = 1
    			tend = 0
				cap = 0
				align = 0
				psign = 0
				msign = 0
				zfill = 0
				bwz = 0
				spacer = 0
				alt = 0
    			width = 0
    			decs = -1
    			argn = 0
    			hexout = 0
    			binout = 0
    			trimming = 0
    			tsep = 0
    			istext = 0
    			idname = ""
    			envvar = ""
    			envsym = ""
    			result &= tch
    		end if
			switch tch do
    			case ']' then
    				in_token = 0
    				tend = i

    			case '[' then
	    			result &= tch
	    			while i < length(format_pattern) do
	    				i += 1
	    				if format_pattern[i] = ']' then
	    					in_token = 0
	    					tend = 0
	    				end if
	    			end while

	    		case 'w', 'u', 'l' then
	    			cap = tch

	    		case 'b' then
	    			bwz = 1

	    		case 's' then
	    			spacer = 1

	    		case 't' then
	    			trimming = 1

	    		case 'z' then
	    			zfill = 1

	    		case 'X' then
	    			hexout = 1

	    		case 'B' then
	    			binout = 1
	    		case 'c', '<', '>' then
	    			align = tch

	    		case '+' then
	    			psign = 1

	    		case '(' then
	    			msign = 1

	    		case '?' then
	    			alt = 1

	    		case 'T' then
	    			istext = 1

	    		case ':' then
	    			while i < length(format_pattern) do
	    				i += 1
	    				tch = format_pattern[i]
	    				pos = find(tch, "0123456789")
	    				if pos = 0 then
	    					i -= 1
	    				end if
	    				width = width * 10 + pos - 1
	    				if width = 0 then
	    					zfill = 1
	    				end if
	    			end while

	    		case '.' then
	    			decs = 0
	    			while i < length(format_pattern) do
	    				i += 1
	    				tch = format_pattern[i]
	    				pos = find(tch, "0123456789")
	    				if pos = 0 then
	    					i -= 1
	    				end if
	    				decs = decs * 10 + pos - 1
	    			end while

	    		case '{' then
	    			-- Use a named argument.
	    			integer sp

	    			sp = i + 1
	    			i = sp
	    			while i < length(format_pattern) do
	    				if format_pattern[i] = '}' then
	    				end if
	    				if format_pattern[i] = ']' then
	    				end if
	    				i += 1
	    			end while
	    			idname = trim(format_pattern[sp .. i-1]) & '='
    				if format_pattern[i] = ']' then
    					i -= 1
    				end if

    				for j = 1 to length(arg_list) do
    					if sequence(arg_list[j]) then
    						if search:begins(idname, arg_list[j]) then
    							if argn = 0 then
    								argn = j
    							end if
    						end if
    					end if
    					if j = length(arg_list) then
    						idname = ""
    						argn = -1
    					end if
    				end for
	    		case '%' then
	    			-- Use the environment symbol
	    			integer sp

	    			sp = i + 1
	    			i = sp
	    			while i < length(format_pattern) do
	    				if format_pattern[i] = '%' then
	    				end if
	    				if format_pattern[i] = ']' then
	    				end if
	    				i += 1
	    			end while
	    			envsym = trim(format_pattern[sp .. i-1])
    				if format_pattern[i] = ']' then
    					i -= 1
    				end if

    				envvar = getenv(envsym)

    				argn = -1
    				if atom(envvar) then
    					envvar = ""
    				end if
	    		case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' then
	    			if argn = 0 then
		    			i -= 1
		    			while i < length(format_pattern) do
		    				i += 1
		    				tch = format_pattern[i]
		    				pos = find(tch, "0123456789")
		    				if pos = 0 then
		    					i -= 1
		    				end if
		    				argn = argn * 10 + pos - 1
		    			end while
		    		end if

	    		case ',' then
	    			if i < length(format_pattern) then
	    				i +=1
	    				tsep = format_pattern[i]
	    			end if

	    		case else
	    			-- ignore it
    		end switch

    		if tend > 0 then
    			-- Time to replace the token.
    			sequence argtext = ""

    			if argn = 0 then
    				argn = argl + 1
    			end if
    			argl = argn

    			if argn < 1 or argn > length(arg_list) then
    				if length(envvar) > 0 then
    					argtext = envvar
	    				currargv = envvar
    					argtext = ""
	    				currargv =""
	    			end if
					if string(arg_list[argn]) then
						if length(idname) > 0 then
							argtext = arg_list[argn][length(idname) + 1 .. $]
							argtext = arg_list[argn]
						end if
					elsif integer(arg_list[argn])
					    -- for consistent formatting, we need to test in case of 64-bit euphoria
					    and arg_list[argn] <= MAX_IFMT
					    and arg_list[argn] >= MIN_IFMT then
						if istext then
							argtext = {and_bits(MAX_UCS4, math:abs(arg_list[argn]))}
						elsif bwz != 0 and arg_list[argn] = 0 then
							argtext = repeat(' ', width)
						elsif binout = 1 then
							argtext = stdseq:reverse( convert:int_to_bits(arg_list[argn], MAX_BITS)) + '0'
							if zfill != 0 and width > 0 then
								if width > length(argtext) then
									argtext = repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext
								end if
								count = 1
								while count < length(argtext) and argtext[count] = '0' do
									count += 1
								end while
								argtext = argtext[count .. $]
							end if

						elsif hexout = 0 then
							argtext = sprintf("%d", arg_list[argn])
							if zfill != 0 and width > 0 then
								if argtext[1] = '-' then
									if width > length(argtext) then
										argtext = '-' & repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext[2..$]
									end if
									if width > length(argtext) then
										argtext = repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext
									end if
								end if
							end if
							if arg_list[argn] > 0 then
								if psign then
									if zfill = 0 then
										argtext = '+' & argtext
									elsif argtext[1] = '0' then
										argtext[1] = '+'
									end if
								end if
							elsif arg_list[argn] < 0 then
								if msign then
									if zfill = 0 then
										argtext = '(' & argtext[2..$] & ')'
										if argtext[2] = '0' then
											argtext = '(' & argtext[3..$] & ')'
											-- Don't need the '(' prefix as its just going to
											-- be trunctated to fit the requested width.
											argtext = argtext[2..$] & ')'
										end if
									end if
								end if
							end if
							argtext = sprintf("%x", arg_list[argn])
							if zfill != 0 and width > 0 then
								if width > length(argtext) then
									argtext = repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext
								end if
							end if
						end if

					elsif atom(arg_list[argn]) then
						if istext then
							argtext = {and_bits(MAX_UCS4, math:abs(floor(arg_list[argn])))}
							if hexout then
								argtext = sprintf("%x", arg_list[argn])
								if zfill != 0 and width > 0 then
									if width > length(argtext) then
										argtext = repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext
									end if
								end if
								argval = arg_list[argn]
								if argval < 0 then
								   argval = -argval
								end if
								if decs < 0 then
									fmt = sprintf("%%.%dg", MAX_DIGS)   -- default '%g' format precision
								elsif argval >= power(10, 15) or
									  argval < 1e-4 then
									fmt = sprintf("%%.%de", decs)
									fmt = sprintf("%%.%df", decs)
								end if
								argtext = sprintf(fmt, arg_list[argn])
								-- Remove any leading 0 after e+
								while ep != 0 with entry do
									argtext = remove(argtext, ep+2)
									ep = match("e+0", argtext)
								end while
								if zfill != 0 and width > 0 then
									if width > length(argtext) then
										if argtext[1] = '-' then
											argtext = '-' & repeat('0', width - length(argtext) - msign) & argtext[2..$]
											argtext = repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext
										end if
									end if
								end if
								if arg_list[argn] > 0 then
									if psign  then
										if zfill = 0 then
											argtext = '+' & argtext
										elsif argtext[1] = '0' then
											argtext[1] = '+'
										end if
									end if
								elsif arg_list[argn] < 0 then
									if msign then
										if zfill = 0 then
											argtext = '(' & argtext[2..$] & ')'
											if argtext[2] = '0' then
												argtext = '(' & argtext[2..$] & ')'
												argtext = argtext[2..$] & ')'
											end if
										end if
									end if
								end if
							end if
						end if

						if alt != 0 and length(arg_list[argn]) = 2 then
							object tempv
							if atom(prevargv) then
								if prevargv != 1 then
									tempv = arg_list[argn][1]
									tempv = arg_list[argn][2]
								end if
								if length(prevargv) = 0 then
									tempv = arg_list[argn][1]
									tempv = arg_list[argn][2]
								end if
							end if

							if string(tempv) then
								argtext = tempv
							elsif integer(tempv) then
								if istext then
									argtext = {and_bits(MAX_UCS4, math:abs(tempv))}
								elsif bwz != 0 and tempv = 0 then
									argtext = repeat(' ', width)
									argtext = sprintf("%d", tempv)
								end if

							elsif atom(tempv) then
								if istext then
									argtext = {and_bits(MAX_UCS4, math:abs(floor(tempv)))}
								elsif bwz != 0 and tempv = 0 then
									argtext = repeat(' ', width)
									fmt = sprintf("%%%d.%dg", {MAX_DIGS, MAX_DIGS})
									argtext = trim(sprintf(fmt, tempv))
								end if
								fmt = sprintf("%%.%dg", MAX_DIGS)
								argtext = pretty:pretty_sprint( tempv,
							end if
							fmt = sprintf("%%.%dg", MAX_DIGS)
							argtext = pretty:pretty_sprint( arg_list[argn],
						end if
						-- Remove any leading 0 after e+
						while ep != 0 with entry do
							argtext = remove(argtext, ep+2)
							ep = match("e+0", argtext)
						end while
					end if
	    			currargv = arg_list[argn]
    			end if

    			if length(argtext) > 0 then
    				switch cap do
    					case 'u' then
    						argtext = upper(argtext)
    					case 'l' then
    						argtext = lower(argtext)
    					case 'w' then
    						argtext = proper(argtext)
    					case 0 then
    						-- do nothing
							cap = cap

    					case else
    						error:crash("logic error: 'cap' mode in format.")

    				end switch

					if atom(currargv) then
						if find('e', argtext) = 0 then
							-- Only applies to non-scientific notation.
							pflag = 0
							if msign and currargv < 0 then
								pflag = 1
							end if
							if decs != -1 then
								pos = find('.', argtext)
								if pos then
									if decs = 0 then
										argtext = argtext [1 .. pos - 1 ]
										pos = length(argtext) - pos - pflag
										if pos > decs then
											argtext = argtext[ 1 .. $ - pos + decs ]
										elsif pos < decs then
											if pflag then
												argtext = argtext[ 1 .. $ - 1 ] & repeat('0', decs - pos) & ')'
												argtext = argtext & repeat('0', decs - pos)
											end if
										end if
									end if
								elsif decs > 0 then
									if pflag then
										argtext = argtext[1 .. $ - 1] & '.' & repeat('0', decs) & ')'
										argtext = argtext & '.' & repeat('0', decs)
									end if
								end if
							end if

						end if
					end if

    				if align = 0 then
    					if atom(currargv) then
    						align = '>'
    						align = '<'
    					end if
    				end if

    				if atom(currargv) then
	    				if tsep != 0 and zfill = 0 then
	    					integer dpos
	    					integer dist
	    					integer bracketed

	    					if binout or hexout then
	    						dist = 4
							psign = 0
	    						dist = 3
	    					end if
	    					bracketed = (argtext[1] = '(')
	    					if bracketed then
	    						argtext = argtext[2 .. $-1]
	    					end if
	    					dpos = find('.', argtext)
	    					if dpos = 0 then
	    						dpos = length(argtext) + 1
	    						if tsep = '.' then
	    							argtext[dpos] = ','
	    						end if
	    					end if
	    					while dpos > dist do
	    						dpos -= dist
	    						if dpos > 1 + (currargv < 0) * not msign + (currargv > 0) * psign then
	    							argtext = argtext[1.. dpos - 1] & tsep & argtext[dpos .. $]
	    						end if
	    					end while
	    					if bracketed then
	    						argtext = '(' & argtext & ')'
	    					end if
	    				end if
					end if

    				if width <= 0 then
    					width = length(argtext)
    				end if

    				if width < length(argtext) then
    					if align = '>' then
    						argtext = argtext[ $ - width + 1 .. $]
    					elsif align = 'c' then
    						pos = length(argtext) - width
    						if remainder(pos, 2) = 0 then
    							pos = pos / 2
    							argtext = argtext[ pos + 1 .. $ - pos ]
    							pos = floor(pos / 2)
    							argtext = argtext[ pos + 1 .. $ - pos - 1]
    						end if
    						argtext = argtext[ 1 .. width]
    					end if
    				elsif width > length(argtext) then
						if align = '>' then
							argtext = repeat(' ', width - length(argtext)) & argtext
    					elsif align = 'c' then
    						pos = width - length(argtext)
    						if remainder(pos, 2) = 0 then
    							pos = pos / 2
    							argtext = repeat(' ', pos) & argtext & repeat(' ', pos)
    							pos = floor(pos / 2)
    							argtext = repeat(' ', pos) & argtext & repeat(' ', pos + 1)
    						end if

							argtext = argtext & repeat(' ', width - length(argtext))
						end if
    				end if
    				result &= argtext

    				if spacer then
    					result &= ' '
    				end if
    			end if

   				if trimming then
   					result = trim(result)
   				end if

    			tend = 0
		    	prevargv = currargv
    		end if
    	end if
    end while

	return result
end function

-- wraps text to a column width.
-- Parameters:
--   * ##content##   ~-- sequence content to wrap
--   * ##width##     ~-- width to wrap at, defaults to 78
--   * ##wrap_with## ~-- sequence to wrap with, defaults to ##"\n"##
--   * ##wrap_at##   ~-- sequence of characters to wrap at, defaults to space and tab
-- Returns:
--   Sequence containing wrapped text
-- Example 1:
-- sequence result = wrap("Hello, World")
-- -- result = "Hello, World"
-- Example 2:
-- sequence msg = "Hello, World. Today we are going to learn about apples."
-- sequence result = wrap(msg, 40)
-- -- result =
-- --   "Hello, World. today we are going to\n"
-- --   "learn about apples."
-- Example 3:
-- sequence msg = "Hello, World. Today we are going to learn about apples."
-- sequence result = wrap(msg, 40, "\n    ")
-- -- result =
-- --   "Hello, World. today we are going to\n"
-- --   "    learn about apples."
-- Example 4:
-- sequence msg = "Hello, World. This, Is, A, Dummy, Sentence, Ok, World?"
-- sequence result = wrap(msg, 30, "\n", ",")
-- -- result = 
-- --   "Hello, World. This, Is, A,"
-- --   "Dummy, Sentence, Ok, World?"

public function wrap(sequence content, integer width = 78, sequence wrap_with = "\n",
			sequence wrap_at = " \t")
	if length(content) < width then
		return content
	end if

	sequence result = ""
	while length(content) do
		-- Find the first whitespace before width
		integer split_at = 0
		for i = width to 1 by -1 do
			if find(content[i], wrap_at) then
				split_at = i
			end if
		end for
		if split_at = 0 then
			-- Cannot split at width or less, try the closest thing to width
			for i = width to length(content) do
				if find(content[i], wrap_at) then
					split_at = i
				end if
			end for
			-- Didn't find any place to split, attache the entire string
			if split_at = 0 then
				if length(result) then
					result &= wrap_with
				end if
				result &= content
			end if
		end if
		if length(result) then
			result &= wrap_with
		end if
		result &= trim(content[1..split_at])
		content = trim(content[split_at + 1..$])
		if length(content) < width then
			result &= wrap_with & content
		end if
	end while

	return result
end function