Pastey (std/text.e) - format function proposal for revision

public function format(sequence format_pattern, object arg_list = {}) 
    sequence result 
    integer in_token 
    integer tch 
    integer i 
    integer tend 
    integer cap 
    integer align 
    integer psign 
    integer msign 
    integer zfill 
    integer bwz 
    integer spacer 
    integer alt 
    integer width 
    integer decs 
    integer pos 
    integer argn 
    integer argl 
    integer trimming 
    integer hexout 
    integer binout 
    integer tsep 
    integer istext 
    object prevargv 
    object currargv 
    sequence idname 
    object envsym 
    object envvar 
    integer ep 
-- added --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    integer pflag 
    integer count 
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    if atom(arg_list) then 
        arg_list = {arg_list} 
    end if 
    result = "" 
    in_token = 0 
    i = 0 
    tend = 0 
    argl = 0 
    spacer = 0 
    prevargv = 0 
    while i < length(format_pattern) do 
        i += 1 
        tch = format_pattern[i] 
        if not in_token then 
            if tch = '[' then 
                in_token = 1 
                tend = 0 
                cap = 0 
                align = 0 
                psign = 0 
                msign = 0 
                zfill = 0 
                bwz = 0 
                spacer = 0 
                alt = 0 
                width = 0 
                decs = -1 
                argn = 0 
                hexout = 0 
                binout = 0 
                trimming = 0 
                tsep = 0 
                istext = 0 
                idname = "" 
                envvar = "" 
                envsym = "" 
                result &= tch 
            end if 
            switch tch do 
            case ']' then 
                in_token = 0 
                tend = i 
            case '[' then 
                result &= tch 
                while i < length(format_pattern) do 
                    i += 1 
                    if format_pattern[i] = ']' then 
                        in_token = 0 
                        tend = 0 
                    end if 
                end while 
                case 'w', 'u', 'l' then 
                    cap = tch 
                case 'b' then 
                    bwz = 1 
                case 's' then 
                    spacer = 1 
                case 't' then 
                    trimming = 1 
                case 'z' then 
                    zfill = 1 
                case 'X' then 
                    hexout = 1 
                case 'B' then 
                    binout = 1 
                case 'c', '<', '>' then 
                    align = tch 
                case '+' then 
                    psign = 1 
                case '(' then 
                    msign = 1 
                case '?' then 
                    alt = 1 
                case 'T' then 
                    istext = 1 
                case ':' then 
                    while i < length(format_pattern) do 
                        i += 1 
                        tch = format_pattern[i] 
                        pos = find(tch, "0123456789") 
                        if pos = 0 then 
                            i -= 1 
                        end if 
                        width = width * 10 + pos - 1 
                        if width = 0 then 
                            zfill = '0' 
                        end if 
                    end while 
                case '.' then 
                    decs = 0 
                    while i < length(format_pattern) do 
                        i += 1 
                        tch = format_pattern[i] 
                        pos = find(tch, "0123456789") 
                        if pos = 0 then 
                            i -= 1 
                        end if 
                        decs = decs * 10 + pos - 1 
                    end while 
                case '{' then 
                    -- Use a named argument. 
                    integer sp 
                    sp = i + 1 
                    i = sp 
                    while i < length(format_pattern) do 
                        if format_pattern[i] = '}' then 
                        end if 
                        if format_pattern[i] = ']' then 
                        end if 
                        i += 1 
                    end while 
                    idname = trim(format_pattern[sp .. i-1]) & '=' 
                    if format_pattern[i] = ']' then 
                        i -= 1 
                    end if 
                    for j = 1 to length(arg_list) do 
                        if sequence(arg_list[j]) then 
                            if search:begins(idname, arg_list[j]) then 
                                if argn = 0 then 
                                    argn = j 
                                end if 
                            end if 
                        end if 
                        if j = length(arg_list) then 
                            idname = "" 
                            argn = -1 
                        end if 
                    end for 
                case '%' then 
                    -- Use the environment symbol 
                    integer sp 
                    sp = i + 1 
                    i = sp 
                    while i < length(format_pattern) do 
                        if format_pattern[i] = '%' then 
                        end if 
                        if format_pattern[i] = ']' then 
                        end if 
                        i += 1 
                    end while 
                    envsym = trim(format_pattern[sp .. i-1]) 
                    if format_pattern[i] = ']' then 
                        i -= 1 
                    end if 
                    envvar = getenv(envsym) 
                    argn = -1 
                    if atom(envvar) then 
                        envvar = "" 
                    end if 
                case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' then 
                    if argn = 0 then 
                        i -= 1 
                        while i < length(format_pattern) do 
                            i += 1 
                            tch = format_pattern[i] 
                            pos = find(tch, "0123456789") 
                            if pos = 0 then 
                                i -= 1 
                            end if 
                            argn = argn * 10 + pos - 1 
                        end while 
                    end if 
                case ',' then 
                    if i < length(format_pattern) then 
                        i +=1 
                        tsep = format_pattern[i] 
                    end if 
                case else 
                    -- ignore it 
            end switch 
            if tend > 0 then 
                -- Time to replace the token. 
                sequence argtext = "" 
                if argn = 0 then 
                    argn = argl + 1 
                end if 
                argl = argn 
                if argn < 1 or argn > length(arg_list) then 
                    if length(envvar) > 0 then 
                        argtext = envvar 
                        currargv = envvar 
                        argtext = "" 
                        currargv ="" 
                    end if 
                    if string(arg_list[argn]) then 
                        if length(idname) > 0 then 
                            argtext = arg_list[argn][length(idname) + 1 .. $] 
                            argtext = arg_list[argn] 
                        end if 
                    elsif integer(arg_list[argn])  
                    -- for consistent formatting, we need to test in case of 64-bit euphoria 
-- changed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
--                    and arg_list[argn] <= 0x3fff_fff    -- ??? 
                    and arg_list[argn] <= 0x3fff_ffff  
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    and arg_list[argn] >= -0x4000_0000 then 
                        if istext then 
                            argtext = {and_bits(0xFFFF_FFFF, math:abs(arg_list[argn]))} 
                        elsif bwz != 0 and arg_list[argn] = 0 then 
                            argtext = repeat(' ', width) 
                        elsif binout = 1 then 
                            argtext = stdseq:reverse( convert:int_to_bits(arg_list[argn], 32)) + '0' 
-- added --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                            if zfill != 0 and width > 0 then 
                                if width > length(argtext) then 
                                    argtext = repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext 
                                end if 
                                count = 1 
                                while count < length(argtext) and argtext[count] = '0' do 
                                    count += 1 
                                end while 
                                argtext = argtext[count .. $] 
                            end if 
-- removed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
--                            for ib = 1 to length(argtext) do 
--                                if argtext[ib] = '1' then 
--                                    argtext = argtext[ib .. $] 
--                                    exit 
--                                end if 
--                            end for 
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                        elsif hexout = 0 then 
                            argtext = sprintf("%d", arg_list[argn]) 
                            if zfill != 0 and width > 0 then 
                                if argtext[1] = '-' then 
                                    if width > length(argtext) then 
                                        argtext = '-' & repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext[2..$] 
                                    end if 
                                    if width > length(argtext) then 
                                        argtext = repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext 
                                    end if 
                                end if 
                            end if 
                            if arg_list[argn] > 0 then 
                                if psign then 
                                    if zfill = 0 then 
                                        argtext = '+' & argtext 
                                    elsif argtext[1] = '0' then 
                                        argtext[1] = '+' 
                                    end if 
                                end if 
                            elsif arg_list[argn] < 0 then 
                                if msign then 
                                    if zfill = 0 then 
                                        argtext = '(' & argtext[2..$] & ')' 
                                        if argtext[2] = '0' then 
                                            argtext = '(' & argtext[3..$] & ')' 
                                            -- Don't need the '(' prefix as its just going to 
                                            -- be trunctated to fit the requested width. 
                                            argtext = argtext[2..$] & ')' 
                                        end if 
                                    end if 
                                end if 
                            end if 
                            argtext = sprintf("%x", arg_list[argn]) 
                            if zfill != 0 and width > 0 then 
                                if width > length(argtext) then 
                                    argtext = repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext 
                                end if 
                            end if 
                        end if 
                    elsif atom(arg_list[argn]) then 
                        if istext then 
                            argtext = {and_bits(0xFFFF_FFFF, math:abs(floor(arg_list[argn])))} 
                            if hexout then 
                                argtext = sprintf("%x", arg_list[argn]) 
                                if zfill != 0 and width > 0 then 
                                    if width > length(argtext) then 
                                        argtext = repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext 
                                    end if 
                                end if 
                                argtext = trim(sprintf("%15.15g", arg_list[argn])) 
                                -- Remove any leading 0 after e+ 
                                while ep != 0 with entry do 
                                    argtext = remove(argtext, ep+2) 
                                    ep = match("e+0", argtext) 
                                end while 
                                if zfill != 0 and width > 0 then 
                                    if width > length(argtext) then 
                                        if argtext[1] = '-' then 
                                            argtext = '-' & repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext[2..$] 
                                            argtext = repeat('0', width - length(argtext)) & argtext 
                                        end if 
                                    end if 
                                end if 
                                if arg_list[argn] > 0 then 
                                    if psign  then 
                                        if zfill = 0 then 
                                            argtext = '+' & argtext 
                                        elsif argtext[1] = '0' then 
                                            argtext[1] = '+' 
                                        end if 
                                    end if 
                                elsif arg_list[argn] < 0 then 
                                    if msign then 
                                        if zfill = 0 then 
                                            argtext = '(' & argtext[2..$] & ')' 
                                            if argtext[2] = '0' then 
                                                argtext = '(' & argtext[3..$] & ')' 
                                                argtext = argtext[2..$] & ')' 
                                            end if 
                                        end if 
                                    end if 
                                end if 
                            end if 
                        end if 
                        if alt != 0 and length(arg_list[argn]) = 2 then 
                            object tempv 
                            if atom(prevargv) then 
                                if prevargv != 1 then 
                                    tempv = arg_list[argn][1] 
                                    tempv = arg_list[argn][2] 
                                end if 
                                if length(prevargv) = 0 then 
                                    tempv = arg_list[argn][1] 
                                    tempv = arg_list[argn][2] 
                                end if 
                            end if 
                            if string(tempv) then 
                                argtext = tempv 
                            elsif integer(tempv) then 
                                if istext then 
                                    argtext = {and_bits(0xFFFF_FFFF, math:abs(tempv))} 
                                elsif bwz != 0 and tempv = 0 then 
                                    argtext = repeat(' ', width) 
                                    argtext = sprintf("%d", tempv) 
                                end if 
                            elsif atom(tempv) then 
                                if istext then 
                                    argtext = {and_bits(0xFFFF_FFFF, math:abs(floor(tempv)))} 
                                elsif bwz != 0 and tempv = 0 then 
                                    argtext = repeat(' ', width) 
                                    argtext = trim(sprintf("%15.15g", tempv)) 
                                end if 
                                argtext = pretty:pretty_sprint( tempv, 