Pastey mouse.ex

		-- mouse test -- 
-- This is a very simple program to demonstrate the get_mouse() built-in 
-- function. No call is made to mouse_events(), so by default all events are 
-- reported by get_mouse().  
include mouse.e 
include graphics.e 
constant MAX_LINE = 8 
constant IS_LINUX = platform()=LINUX 
puts(1, "\t\t\tPress q to Quit\n") 
procedure try_mouse() 
    integer color, line, eventNo, c, action 
    object event 
    sequence movement, str 
    color = 14 
    eventNo = 0 
    line = MAX_LINE 
    while 1 do 
    sleep(1) -- do not busy loop the cpu 
	event = get_mouse() 
	if sequence(event) then 
	    action = event[1] 
	    eventNo += 1 
	    movement = "- -- -- --" 
	    if IS_LINUX and action = ANY_UP then 
		movement[4] = 'U' 
		movement[7] = 'U' 
		movement[10] = 'U' 
		if (IS_LINUX and action = MOVE) or 
		((not IS_LINUX) and and_bits(action, MOVE)) then 
		    movement[1] = 'M' 
		end if 
		if and_bits(action, LEFT_DOWN) then 
		    movement[3] = 'D' 
		    color += 1 
		    if color > 15 then 
			color = 0 
		    end if  
		end if 
		if and_bits(action, LEFT_UP) then 
		    movement[4] = 'U' 
		end if 
		if and_bits(action, MIDDLE_DOWN) then 
		    movement[6] = 'D' 
		end if 
		if and_bits(action, MIDDLE_UP) then  
		    movement[7] = 'U' 
		end if 
		if and_bits(action, RIGHT_DOWN) then  
		    movement[9] = 'D' 
		end if 
		if and_bits(action, RIGHT_UP) then  
		    movement[10] = 'U' 
		end if 
	    end if   
	    str = sprintf("event# %4d: action: %d %s, x:%d, y:%d       \r",  
		   {eventNo, action, movement, event[2], event[3]}) 
	    line += 1 
	    if line > MAX_LINE then 
		line = 3 
	    end if 
	    position(line, 1) 
	    puts(1, str)  
	    puts(1, str) 
	    puts(1, '\n' & repeat(' ', length(str)))  
	    position(line, 1) 
	end if 
	c = get_key()  
	if c != -1 then 
	    if c = 'q' then 
	    end if 
	    position(22, 1) 
	    puts(1, c) 
	end if 
    end while 
end procedure 