Newbie: Win32Lib: moveWindow-?

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Hello all,

I'm a "newbie";  I don't program very well, & I don't know anything about
programming for Windows except what I have read in the various Win32Lib
documents. Nonetheless, I'm trying to learn to use Euphoria & Win32Lib to
program for windows, with some small success so far.

I have a question:

I'd like to be able to make one window move "with" another, so that as a
"parent" window is moved by the user, a "child" will follow along with it.
I found the global procedure "moveWindow" in Win32Lib, but I could find no
mention of it in any of the documentation I have.  Can I use that
procedure, & if so, how, or is there a better approach to what I'm trying
to do?

Dan Moyer

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