Re: call_back() etc

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noah smith wrote:
>Ok, I know this is beating a dead horse, but I just want to make sure
>I'm flexing myself before I give up on this:
>Ok, now I totally guessing here, but it would seem that call_back()
>returns a 32-bit address referring to a location in memory of the code
>associated with a call to routine_id().  As such, the win32 C code, or
>whatever is using the call_back() refers to this memory location for
>execution.   The other possibility is that it's just J. Random integer
>that windows uses internally.
>So, i guess the question is, is it possible to coax euphoria into giving
>up more information about a function/procedure, so that another run can
>use it?

Okay, I'm still not quite sure what you're looking for... it sounds
like you're trying to get one program to execute code that's in another
program, WITHOUT putting that code in the first program at all (via an
include, or directly.) Or are you wanting one program to tell another
to execute a specific function?

In the latter case, would it suit your needs if, instead of using the
temp file to pass call_back() values (I'm not even sure you can use that
with the DOS32 version of Euphoria), you passed actual function names?
For example, instead of of doing:

   id = routine_id ("f")
   callback_val = call_back (id)

and writing callback_val to the other temp file, would just writing "f"
to the file accomplish what you want?


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