Re: help!

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Robert Craig wrote:

> >         ?key

For some stupid reason I included this when it actually was removed
right before I sent that note, (no matter because I see how it works):

> Try changing it to something like:
>      if key != -1 then
>           ? key
>      end if
>      if key = 27 then
>         ...etc.
>      elsif key = 331 then
>         ...etc.
>      elsif key = ...etc.
>      end if

worked great.  Thank you it actually works now :)

Could you answer one more thing for me though?
(as long as I have your attention.I'll make it quick.

When you are defining a global procedure and it looks like:

global procedure my_procedure(integer x, sequence seq)

are these being passed to AND from the program/procedure?  I think I
understand that in a function it only returns whatever you type RETURN
VARIABLE as a successful or unsuccesfull function,  but does it pass the
variables in the
global function myfunction(integer x, sequ or whatever x)
back to the program or just straight to the function and then modifying
whatever global variables and returning a successful or unsuccesful
value with the Return statement.
        These aren't real well doc'd at least that I have seen.
It can be real confusing.
Thanks for making my program work,  am looking forward to learning more
about sched.e

Monty King

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