Re: Namespaces

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Al Getz wrote:

> Here's a summary of the namespace issues that should be addressed:
> 1.  global namespace fix (Me and others)
> 2.  inheritance or dynamic merge (Irv & Me)
> 3.  multiple include instances (Me)

Oh, yeah - I forgot about the multiple-include idea. 
You may remember Dave Cuny's "Py" language, which for a time 
allowed code such as:
include mailinglist.e as customer
include mailinglist.e as supplier

resulting in two instances of mailinglist, each with their own 
independent set of variables and functions. Very handy. You could write:
customer:file = "customer.edb"
supplier:file = "supplier.edb"
customer:add("Coyote, W")
supplier:add("Acme Anvils, Inc.")

and use the exact same code to manage both instances.

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