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The following function returns the path to the code / exe file of your programs
you make sure all the program files are in specified directories relative to
file, you will always find them, no matter which directory you currently in.

eg c:\apps\dos\makechar\makechar.exe
get_program_path returns "c:\apps\dos\makechar\"
It always returns a sequence.

notice the \ on the end, thats to make concaternating easy.
eg path & filename

eg sequence path
path = get_program_path()
load_video(path & "video\start.fli")

global function get_program_path()
sequence cmd, val

    val = {}
    cmd = command_line()
    if length(cmd) >= 2 then
        for t = length(cmd) to 1 by -1 do
             if cmd[t] = '\\' then
                  val = {cmd[1..t],cmd[t+1..length(s)]}
             end if
        end for
    end if
    return val[1]
end function

-----<end snip>-----

David Mosley wrote
> I can program in Liberty Basic
I got really hooked on programming using LB.

File Input Routines...
I use getc instead of gets as it doesn't forget the last line if there is no EOL
(Dave: EE does lose last line.)
-----<Untested Snip>-----
function load_file(sequence fname) -- for a single dim sequence
integer fn, char
object val

    val = -1 -- default return
    fn = open(fname,"r")
    if fn != -1 then
        val = {} -- make val a sequence
        while 1 do -- loop forever (Maniacal Laughter)
            char = getc() -- gets a character from file
            if char = -1 then -- is it end_of _file
                exit -- if yes leave
                val = val & char -- if not the add it too end of return sequence

            end if
        end while
    end if
    return val -- And the result was ...
end function

function load_file(sequence fname) -- for a double dim sequnece based on lines
integer fn, char
sequence line
object val

    val = -1 -- default return
    fn = open(fname,"r")
    if fn != -1 then
        val = {} -- make val a sequence
        line = {}
        while 1 do -- loop forever (Maniacal Laughter)
            char = getc() -- gets a character from file
            if char = -1 then -- is it end_of _file
                exit  -- if yes leave loo[
                if length(line) then
                    val = append(val,line) -- if it's not a blank line at end of
file add it.
                end if
            elsif char = 10 or char = 13 then -- is it end of line
                val = append(val,line) -- add line, note doesn't add CR or LF
or 13)
                line = line & char -- if not the add it too end of return

            end if
        end while
    end if
    return val -- And the result was ...
end function

-----<end snip>-----

Christopher D. Hickman responded to my post:

>>        type description( sequence s )
>>                elements are integers
>>                length is 256
>>                return 1
>>        end type

> What does this solve?

ERR : Unexpected sequence found in character string.
and similar errors.

>> structure my_struct_type
  >>     integer  member1,
>>     atom     member2,
>>     sequence member3,
>>     object   member4
>> end structure

as opposed to

>     complex menu_item ( sequence s)
>           format { menu_str, integer, string, integer }
>           return 1
>     end complex

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet...
It is asthetics. You have a C background. There is one prob with structure, a
to the language may think it is a C similar structure that could be passed to a

> Structures in Euphoria aren't (or shouldn't be, I should say) about limiting

> but giving the programmer a tool to work with sequences at a more abstract

> improving readability to allow faster implementation, better control, and less
> debugging.

Type is used to restrict the data type is euphoria, if you've decided you need a
sequence containg numbers and sequences you don't want the numbers being
it would save debugging type, and may even help with binding optimization.

Kasey Responded to everyone with...
> This sounds like somthing a good preprocessor could do. In fact most of the

> people want could probably be done with a preprocessor, which if

> could let them EACH  have thier own personal flavor of Euphoria
Dave has one, but nobody wants too write one, I might if nobody objected...

> Anything... I want I'll find a way to do with Euporia
<Whineey Kids Voice> But it's easier if ROB does it... </WKV>
It's can also be faster and more efficient.

Irv wrote
> (On the other hand, what's the most used language?)
> (Hint: it starts with 'C', and has a thousand bells and whistles)
Well there's no accounting for taste.

Mathew Hounsell
Mat.Hounsell at mailexcite.com

Ps I have a feeling the above line layout spacing got minced.

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