about viruses

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Sorry,but I think that in my last message it wasn't enough clear what
I was asking for.
The truth is that I deal with many viruses too and they are a real
pain in the neck.Specially the ones that the only way to remove them
is giving format to your hard drive!
         Few weeks ago I had the ISRAELI_boot,the NATAS2475 an the
Falling_Letters_Boot in the MBR ( at the same time! ) and I really
get scared.The Falling_Letters is world-wide known as one of the
fastest viruses to spread.It starts infecting the low memory
area,then begans to expand through the upper area ,and finally it
'eats' the conventional memory.By the end,even the keyboard doesn't
Aswell I've dealed with some viruses 'without destructive
effect',that they
only pop up stupid comments and funny phrases like the 'JOKER':

                          - ERROR 34DHF001 -
                   There's water in the coprocessor

                I'm hungry.Insert hamburger in drive A:

Surelly,they are not funny when you try to remove them!

but some of them don't really cause a negative effect among your
hardware.At list the ones that I had in my computer.
They print silly messages,but I prefer them rather than a virus
that destroys all your files!(as everybody)
I 100% agree with Joe Phillip's opinion cause there are some
'experimental'viruses that have unexpected effects.Aswell there are
viruses that are supposed to have 'no-destructive' effects and they
really crash your computer,surely,they were developed by *insane
minds* with maniac-conspirator tendencies that enjoy provoking damage
and aim to inflict disgrace upon somebody else's computer.
   Euphoria is the greatest lenguage I had ever known and the public
domain version can be downloaded with easiness by anyone.These two
factors probably probably makes it quite attractive for virus
programers( it's just an hipotesis ).Maybe,thousends of
'programers'are using Euphoria to develope their 'nice'n funny'
viruses and maybe,we would have an ungratefull surprise if we
discover how many new viruses have been written in Euphoria since
it's initial release!.I suppose that RDS neither no one in the
mailing list would like to know that someone is using such a
powerfull lenguage to create such useless programs.

     As Steve Ranta says, ( aswell as I believe ) mailing lists are
to share our knowledge for the betterment of all,but I think that
working with viruses would be and important stage of our
learning(hey, I've never programed one!).
Maybe someday we will write an Antivirus in Ephoria! Surely would be
the best ever written!:)But to code an antivirus it would be
necessary to understand first the phisiology of a virus.The problem I
guess,is that in hour days, the diversity of viruses is so big that
it would be impossible to analise all.At least for a guy like me.
Viruses shall not be treated as a taboo but as a reallity that we
shall be prepared to fight.

Anyway,I really want to find a chunk of source code of a virus.It
would be really interesting to analyse how it was written in order to
understand how they work,how they copy themselfs to the boot sector
or how they try to become resident in memory, what strategies they
use to inflict damage to our preciated hard disks and wich are their
weak points.
I'm sorry,I never wanted to offend you but I just can't hide my
fascination(maybe cause I've never had severe problems before with
viruses) about the subject!How can such a small piece of code provoke
such huge effects?(!) How can a program spread himself like a

But of course, *just for learning aims * .I'm not a terrorist!

Hope that you accept my apologies if I offended you
      Luis ;)

(P.D: my C/C++ level is pathetical.That's why I asked for an Euphoria

All the viruses infect systems by infecting the MBR's?
It is illegal to talk about viruses in a Listserver?
It's punished by the law to learn how to write or try to write a
Somebody knows of a virus bigger than 170.000 bytes?
Would be possible to write a virus with Euphoria?(all the viruses
that I've seen till today use to be quite small.) Wich
lenguage is the most used among virus programers?

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