Re: Whats the problem in this function?

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On Tue, 4 Aug 1998 15:42:47 +0900 Steve Lee <kodjak at INOUT.CO.KR> writes:
(Well, this is what I see)


Well, the fact that it's all MIME code with no visible header and it's
not in Euphoria would be one clue... ;)

My DOS MIME en/decoder needs a header to do anything with the message..

Can you set your mail reader to plain text (like David Cuny did :) so it
can be readable to everybody, including those without any decoders.

I managed to fake a header into the file using another MIME message I
got, some of the comments were garbled but all the code seemed fine. I
haven't found the problem, but maybe somebody else can now.

-- I made the function that returns the rounded-up,down,off(is it right
expression? my english
-- is somhow poor :) value on the given digit.
-- but when used in the main program, i got a problem on calculating
Round-Down process.
-- an example blelow.

global constant ROUND_UP = 1,   --(Garbage was here (ASCII chars above
    ROUND_DOWN = 0,  --(ditto)
     ROUND_OFF = 0.5  --(more)

global function round_number(atom flag, object number, integer digit)
-- flag : (MORE GARBAGE)
-- number : (MORE!)
-- digit : (MORE!)
--     (more! Somewhere there's "There's no digit 0!" then more...)

 object answer

 if digit = 0 then answer = "There's no digit 0!"
  elsif digit < 0 then
   answer = floor(number/power(10,digit+1)+flag)*power(10,digit+1)
    elsif digit > 0 then
     answer = floor(number/power(10,digit)+flag)*power(10,digit)
 end if
 return answer
end function

atom number
object value

number = 1648.174

for i = 2 to -6 by -1 do
 value = round_number(ROUND_DOWN,number,i)
 if i = 0 then
  printf(1,"%4.5f rounded down by digit %d into %4.5f
 end if
end for

-- now result below

--1648.17400 rounded down by digit 2 into 1600.00000
--1648.17400 rounded down by digit 1 into 1640.00000
--There's no digit 0!
--1648.17400 rounded down by digit -1 into 1648.00000
--1648.17400 rounded down by digit -2 into 1648.10000
--1648.17400 rounded down by digit -3 into 1648.17000
--1648.17400 rounded down by digit -4 into 1648.17300 -> problem starts
to occur!! expecting
--                                                       1648.17400!!
--1648.17400 rounded down by digit -5 into 1648.17390
--1648.17400 rounded down by digit -6 into 1648.17399

-- I know many other excellent routines for this job but i still want to

-- Steve.

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