Re: SOC color problems

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>Hello Everyone,
>I am trying to convert my SOC game to use Niel.  To do this I decided
>that instead of reading the sprites from a bmp file and rotating them
>every time the program started, I would write a program that read the
>bmp, rotated the sprites and wrote them into a larger bmp. I finally got
>it working but it causes some wierd color distortion.  Every thing looks
>fine until after I save the bmp file.  When I read from the file and
>display to the screen however, There is a bunch of vertical 1pixel wide
>lines covering a square aoround each sprite.  From what I can tell, the
>lines are color 1 and before they appeared, they WERE NOT color 1.  I
>would think it was a bug in the save_bitmap routine except that the
>colored square is rotated the right amount for each sprite.  This means
>the bug could be ANYWHERE in my program and may have something to do
>with the rotate routines or with the palette routines by David Cuny that
>I use.  If anyone is interested in helping me with this, let me know and
>I will send you the file because I'm sure I didn't explain it all well

There might indeed be a palette issue, since Neil manages the palette itself.
Or the problem could lie in the use of load_bitmap () that you must have used.
But actually I expect to find it in the turning of the bitmap. In the high color
modes, one pixel uses *more* than one byte. You
can't just turn them around. Weird things will happen. Send me the code and I
will try to find it.


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