Re: associated lists

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Kat, I am not sure which version you were referring to, but if it's the last
'official' release in the archives, about two years old, it had not two, but
three versions, based on the same 'parallel' lists theme: standard, using find
for shorter lists (up to several hundred items), sorted, using binary search for
longer lists, and a hybrid with the cross-over point at 100 items.

I have not done any tests recently; at the time I tried 7 or 8 different schemes
(just from memory, some sort of comparison was included in the original
package), and the 'parallel lists' scheme was clearly superior. But, as you well
know, Euphoria is a bit of a moveable feast: Rob adds some new optimisations to
almost every version. Also processor characteristics change a lot over time, so
a bench mark that was quite reasonable yesterday possibly does not make much
sense today.

The trouble with the scheme you are suggesting is that you still have to 'unify'
the two halves under a common label. And as far as indexing, fetching, setting
and inserting operations are concerned, the corresponding functions (and they
have to be functions, because Rob would not give us parameter passing by
reference!:)), the two-level sequence does not seem to be much of a handicap.

Just as a curiosity, I am including a simplified version I am currently using.
You will notice, the nomenclature has changed a bit, but essentially it the same
beast as the one in the archives.


>Jiri, in your associated lists, both versions seem to be "parallel"
>lists of {{name},{value}}. Why not two separate lists of {name} and
>{value}? Wouldn't find()ing be faster with a split system, with it's
>inherently shorter sequences?

>Courious as a,

--  tables.e : tables | dictionaries | associative lists
--  jiri babor
--  jbabor at
--  2 August 2002
--  version 3.00

--  'parallel sequence' scheme: {{key1, ..kN}, {val1, ..valN}}

--  without warning
--  without type_check

global constant EMPTY = {{},{}}         --  empty table

global function index(sequence table, object key)
    -- return *key* index, or zero if key not found
    return find(key, table[1])
end function

global function fetch(sequence table, object key)
    -- return table item with indicated key
    return table[2][find(key, table[1])]
end function -- fetch

global function set(sequence table, object key, object new_value)
    -- replace specified table item with a new value
    -- return modified table
    table[2][find(key, table[1])] = new_value
    return table
end function -- set

global function insert(sequence table, object key, object val)
    -- add new entry
    table[1] = append(table[1], key)
    table[2] = append(table[2], val)
    return table
end function

global function store(sequence table, object key, object val)
    -- store val in table under given key
    -- if matching key is found, corresponding value is replaced
    -- otherwise new key as well as value are appended
    -- return modified table

    integer i

    i = find(key, table[1])             -- key index
    if i then
        table[2][i] = val
        table[1] = append(table[1], key)
        table[2] = append(table[2], val)
    end if
    return table
end function -- store

global function join(sequence table1, sequence table2)
    --  concatenate table1 and table2

    return {table1[1] & table2[1], table1[2] & table2[2]}
end function

global function delete(sequence s, object key)
    --  delete entry with the specified key from the table s

    sequence s1,s2
    integer i,m

    s1 = s[1]
    s2 = s[2]
    i = find(key, s1)                   -- index
    m = length(s1)
    return {s1[1..i-1]&s1[i+1..m], s2[1..i-1]&s2[i+1..m]}
end function -- delete

global function sort_table(sequence s)
    --  shell sort table s by keys in ascending order

    object t1i,t1j,t2i,t2j              -- temporary objects
    sequence s1,s2
    integer gap, j, first, last

    s1 = s[1]
    s2 = s[2]
    last = length(s1)
    gap = floor(last / 3) + 1
    while 1 do
     first = gap + 1
     for i = first to last do
         t1i = s1[i]
         t2i = s2[i]
         j = i - gap
         while 1 do
          t1j = s1[j]
          t2j = s2[j]
          if compare(t1i, t1j) >= 0 then
              j += gap
          end if
          s1[j+gap] = t1j
          s2[j+gap] = t2j
          if j <= gap then
          end if
          j -= gap
         end while
         s1[j] = t1i
         s2[j] = t2i
     end for
     if gap = 1 then
         return {s1,s2}
         gap = floor(gap / 3) + 1
     end if
    end while
end function -- sort_table

global function Fetch(object table, sequence keys)
    --  return item from *nested* table : 'deep' fetch

    for i = 1 to length(keys) do
        table = fetch(table, keys[i])
    end for
    return table
end function -- Fetch

global function Set(sequence table, sequence keys, object new_value)
    --  'deep', recursive set for *nested* tables

    integer i,m

    m = length(keys)
    i = find(keys[1],table[1])
    if m = 1 then
        table[2][i] = new_value
        table[2][i] = Set(table[2][i], keys[2..m], new_value)
    end if
    return table
end function -- Set

global function Insert(sequence table, sequence keys, object new_val)
    -- 'deep', recursive insert for nested tables
    -- store new_val in table under new (last) key in keys sequence
    -- return modified table

    integer i,n

    n = length(keys)
    if n = 1 then
        table[1] = append(table[1], keys[1])
        table[2] = append(table[2], new_val)
        i = find(keys[1], table[1])     -- key index
        table[2][i] = Insert(table[2][i], keys[2..n], new_val)
    end if
    return table
end function

global function Store(sequence table, sequence keys, object val)
    -- 'deep', recursive store for *nested* tables
    -- store val in table under last key in keys sequence
    -- return modified table

    integer i,n

    i = find(keys[1], table[1])         -- key index
    n = length(keys)
    if n = 1 then
        if i then
            table[2][i] = val
            table[1] = append(table[1], keys[1])
            table[2] = append(table[2], val)
        end if
        table[2][i] = Store(table[2][i], keys[2..n], val)
    end if
    return table
end function -- Store

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