Re: Issue of the week

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>>Uhh... It returns the number of years since 1900. Year 2000 will return
>I think that it SHOULD return the number of years since and including
>year 1, but it's a bit too late to change that . . . Programs wouldn't be
>backwards compatible.

Since when cant Euphoria handle negative integers ?
However, the most common used scope for years is from 1900 - 2150 (total of
The value ex.exe gives you fits in a bit, for the next so-many years.
It you want a bigger scope, just write out more bytes.
But for now, the smallest scope is used.
By the time we reach > 2150, we needed to worry about diskspace as much as
now, and can easily use 2 or more bytes. Without breaking any existing code.

Euphoria is once again.. TESDEN.
(Too Elegant Some Dont Even Notice)


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