Re: Freedom of choice

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fizzpop wrote:


> After all, why did we even try Euphoria? If we followed
> conventional wisdom, however well-meaning, we would
> be fighting pointer problems/memory leaks etc in C++ .
> Bottom line: let the programmer decide; as soon as
> you are told that "we know whats best for you, better
> than you do" trouble looms. Ask IBM about OS/2 !!
> Closer to home, my company (a large airline)  has
> chosen mainframe software worth millions from non-IBM vendors
>  because the smaller guys LISTEN and try to give
> you what you asked for - not what you are told is
> best for you.
> Regards,
> Alan Oxley
> fizzpop at
> (remove the .l after the @ if you want to email me)

                Aside from a general m-e to, I'd like to say I
have for some time felt anoyed anytime a language has/doesn't
have a feature or property for my own good, or to enforce
good programming or maintainability or some such. usualy such things
are subject to opinion. even things 'everyone knows' (I suspect those
first and foremost) It's really the only major strike against Euphoria
in my opion is the backwards order you have to write your functions and
procedures in.  I haven't really complained before because I have cut
& paste (though it is a pain to have to re-order things after i write
them) and if I had more time/less lazyness, I could write a
to auto order my procedures and functions.
        I don't think it's good to limit what a programmer can do
or how, based on opinion. it should be based on the actuall
function and performance of the language. deciding for others on
the basis of 'everyone should', or 'we all know that' is really
treating someone like thier incapable of thinking for themselves
(and potentially eliminating them from the customer base).
much better IMHO much better to explain better coding practices
than to force them on someone.
        while I can understand the reasoning behind the current
system imho it makes more sense to do it the other way.
        after all how many programs start "hmmm i think i'll write
a cool input routine" then go on to become a major database system
with it's own scripting language. How many new car designs start
out with an idea for a neat looking horn button??
        Now I'm shure someone (probably many) can and will come
up with counter arguments on this specific item, it only serves
to re-inforce my point. Not everyone is in agreement on the best
methods or styles.
        I personaly have found when others limit my options
'for my own good' it's either a disaster or a disaster born
of THIER own good.
        Since I spent so long on my pet peave I'd like to point
out a few good things.
        Fist is that if 2.0 is typical of the rds definition of
alpha and beta then most of the BIG  software I have wouldn't even make pre-alpha on
the same scale.
        Also Euphoria has to be the easiest language to overprogram
in I've ever seen, i keep writing lines and lines of code to check
for or do many things to findout a single line would handle it,
often more thouroughly and faster than my code. (this is really a
complaint about OTHER languages not handling the obvious, and
asking you define and outline everything 50 times)
        Also the ability to get fully functional workable language,
that lets you write unencombered (sellable without going through
leagaleese overhead/licencesing etc.) without first forking over $$$
is an impressive plus.
        Another is the huge amount of good, free code in existance
(compare how much for how few users to other languages)
        So RDS please keep up the good work, but please don't eliminate
options for non-technical reasons. it save 7% on speed is a good reason
to change somthing. It cuts mem use for globals by 50% is a good reason
it adds more flexibility to i/o handling is a good reason.
it helps forces you to use properly sturcted programming or keep your
more readable or maintainable is only implying programmers (your
customers) can't think for themselves, or need to be taught these
Not the best message in the world.
        And please don't take this as a flame, but as long winded advice.
Euphoria is, imho, a much better product than most out there. far more
stable and error free in alpha than most other programs I've ever used
in full release.

p.s. the inquisition was for our own good too.

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