Re: mac.exe

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>whats being an alpha tester?

WHen developping a big or complicated program, it usually consists of
multiple parts, some less dificult than others. Fox example, when Robert
wrote ex.exe he would prolly started with a basic preproccesor, which he
tested until he knew for sure, it did what it did. Then I assume he wrote
the sequence engine.. same testing here.. then some of the built-in
routines, some testing, then the machine proc/functions (graphics, and
stuff) and finally the euphoria includes.

All these part were only a small subset of functionality of the complete
program, and alpha version are more to test if an approach (right?) will
work... then when found the right approaches/techniques for those problems
that seem to be the most complicated, then you combine most of it until some
form of program. Now we call it a Beta version. We test, test.. hope not to
find any too crucial problems, (so we have to rewrite a whole section) ..
this is the place where we usually put a few hacks in it, if we did make a
mistake in our original design. ("just make it work" - ideology) and we keep
calling it beta versions until we cant find any new error, and when the
crucial and simple errors are overcome, then we release it and call it the
complete version. (however, some Companies call alpha versions  -- beta
versions  and beta versions -- complete version, and use the audience to
test their software, for example, companies like MS and Borland are pretty
good at this. A lot of game designers as well.)


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