Re: Help

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> Hello,
> How to change a sequence to name of control.
> for example...
> I've a sequence "button1, button2, button3" and I want put som text in 
> control with the same name as a part of sequence..
> setText(button1, "Test")
> Bye Vlado

This can not be done directly, but there are ways to do this:

---------- START CODE
	button1 = create(PushButton, ...),
	button2 = create(PushButton, ...),
	button3 = create(PushButton, ...),

constant lookup_table = {
	{"button1", button1},
	{"button2", button2},
	{"button3", button3},

function getControlFromString(sequence string)
	for i = 1 to length(lookup_table) do
		if equal(lookup_table[i][1], string) then
			return lookup_table[i][2]
		end if
	end for
	return 0 -- no control found
end function

integer ctl
ctl = getControlFromString("button1")
if ctl != 0 then
	setText(ctl, "Test")
end if
---------- END CODE

If there are a lot of controls, you could speed it up by using a 
hash-table instead of a simple lookup-table. Or make sure the lookup-table 
is sorted alphabetically, and use an optimized search algorithm.

If you want to split the string "button1, button2, button3" into 
{"button1", "button2", "button3"}, you could use Kat's Strtok 


Tommy Carlier
tommy online:

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