Re: how get "number" in disk text file read into integer variable?

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Hi Dan,

I use this code to write and read integers to and from a disk file. fn is a file

global procedure PutDWord(integer fn, integer dw)
--  Writes a double word (4 bytes) to an open file.
end procedure

global function GetDWord(integer fn)
-- Reads an 32-bits integer from disk.
-- Speeding up thanks to Lucius L. Hilley III.
    sequence w

    w = repeat(0,4)
    for i = 1 to 4 do
 w[i] = getc(fn)
    end for
    return bytes_to_int(w)
end function

-- end code

Dan B Moyer wrote:

> Ok gang, here's my problem now <sigh!>:
> How do I get a "number" I have saved into a (text) disk file back as an
> integer?
> I'm trying to save a structured variable to a disk file & then be able to
> read it from the file & put it back  into the structured variable.  I'm
> using the
> "newex06d.exw" database example by Ad Rienks from the Tutorial as a starting
> point, & proceeding tiny steps at a time.
> My first step was to make a text file that would LOOK like the saved file
> should look like, and then just READ that file into my structured variable.
> Since part of my structured variable is of variable length, I put that
> length into a disk file (using a text editor), so it can be read out & used
> to count lines in the file to know what to put where in the structured
> variable.
> So if my first variant length is "3", I put the number 3 into the disk
> file on a line; but I can't seem to get that "3" back as an integer when I
> read it (I get 51, which is ASCII for 3).  I'm guessing this is
> pathetically simple, but I can't get it.
> Dan Moyer

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