Re: how turn off task bar

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Thanks Brian & David,

Some interesting things about both ideas for covering up the task bar:

1.  Brian used the "Normal" parameter in WinMain, & because I already had
"Maximize" there in my code, I left it like that; mistake, it HAS to be
"Normal" to work;

2.  If I run it while connected to Internet, the window won't stay big; it
starts out big, but then the screen flickers with other window's stuff & the
task bar comes back (not a problem for me, since mine isn't an Internet app,
but could be a problem for those that are);

3.  If the window IS resized, RESTORING it DOESN'T re-coverup the task bar
(I'll probably use Brian's suggestion & use WS_POPUP to eliminate the
buttons that would allow that, since it also denies manual resizing; gotta
remember to provide way to CLOSE it, with buttons gone!)

Dan Moyer

David wrote:

>Brian wrote:
>>-- use the WinAPI to get the screen resolution in pixels
>>constant screenCX = c_func(xGetSystemMetrics,{SM_CXSCREEN})
>>constant screenCY = c_func(xGetSystemMetrics,{SM_CYSCREEN})
>You can also use:
>   screenSize = getExtent( Screen )
>keep in mind that the user can resize the screen while an application is
>-- David Cuny

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