Re: Namespaces

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On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Fam. Nieuwenhuijsen wrote:

> Yes, but I just don't want variable names to get any longer than they
> already are. I don't want the filename as part of the variable name. Look:
> include do
>   def x as x
>   def y as y
>   def foo_circle as circle
> end include
> foo_circle (3, 6)

Hi Ralf:

Actually, I think I prefer the way Py handles the imports - it assures that
items that were designed as part of a package remain obviously connected
to that package.  Optionally re-naming only bits and pieces could get really
confusing.  However, I do agree with your point about writing long variable
names:   Therefore the suggestion that we be allowed a "block prefix"

with foo do
    x = 3 -- this is foo.x
    y = 5 -- foo.y
    circle() --
end foo

> Secondly, you should only be able to import global variables. Local
> variables are "hands-off". Otherwise there is no way to lock an include, and
> the type of errors and issues you have to deal with. No way.

As far as I know, there are no "local" variables, except for those inside
routines. Anything declared outside a routine is fair game to be imported.
I don't see that as being a big problem, but you could be right. Perhaps there
should be a "local" block, wherein any variables would be visible only to
routines in that one file.

 > >    for i in 10
> >
> > is probably too much of a hack, though.

And not very clear in its meaning, either.

> > > - Where is the { left, middle, right }  = my_func () notation ?
> >
> > An example, please?
> { eof_status, value } = get (0)

eof_status, value = get(0) -- no curly brackets required around the left-hand

This is one of the best features, as far as I am concerned. It lacks one thing,
which I have discussed with Dave:

yr, mo, da = date() -- won't currently work, because date() returns 8 items.
                                --m, d, y, hr, min, sec, dow, doy

My suggestion was to warn, but not prohibit, partial assignments.
A more useful alternative would be slicing function calls: i.e:
hr, min, sec  = date()[4..6]
which I think may be possible.

> Yes, but what if there is NO result ? Are you forced to return an result ? I
> prefer functions & procedures, without enforcing the end user to use the
> return value, but also without enforcing the routine to return a value.

If there is no result, you just don't return one.
def foo()
end def


def foo()
  return "Hi"
end def

-- nothing happens
msg = foo()
? msg


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