Changes in Win32lib v0.54

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Below is a list of the changes in Win32Lib v0.54.
This release WILL BREAK some code. I'm very sorry about that.
The problem is that a few routines were badly named and have been renamed in
this release.
I'm trying to get some consistancy in the naming convention used.

I have NOT released this code to the SourceForge website yet as I'm still
tidying up the documentation. I'm expecting to loaded up in about 24-48

Speak up now or forever hold your peace.

        Can now use setHint() an a top-level window.
        No longer triggers an onScroll event if the scroll position
        hasn't actually changed.
        Now handles setting focus after a control has been destroyed.
        The freeing of string memory has been made reenterant.
        getMultIndices() and getMultItems() now cope with no items
        No longer crashes when a TVN_DELETEITEM event occurs for
        treeview controls.
         warnErr() now allows the user can now opt to ignore repeated
-Enhanced window scrollbars
        Standard scroll bars on windows windows now trigger onScroll
-Enhanced. create(), createEx(), setClientSize(), setSize(),
        setPosition(), setPenPosition()
        You can now supply dimensions relative to the control's parent
        in terms of percentages, plus optional pixel offset.
        Extra validation is being done to ensure that Window Handles are
        being used with the correct control ID.
        The event handlers onXXX can now be set for the Screen ID. This
        will capture all events of the given type for all controls in
        the application.  For example onKeyDown[Screen] will be fired
        for all KeyDown events on all controls.
-Added getVScrollPos(), getHScrollPos(), setVScrollPos(), setHScrollPos()
        These get and set the Vertical and Horizontal positions of
        scrollbars that are attached to windows via the WS_H/VSCROLL
-Added classDefaults()
        This allows you to set the default styles for each control.
-Added setClientRect()
        This resizes your window so that the client area is as specified.
-Added doEvents()
        This allows Windows to check for messages/events during event
-Added acquire_mem(), release_mem(), new_memset(), and manage_mem()
        These are the new memory management routines that are used in
        win32lib. The use of free(), allocate() and allocate_string()
        is discouraged inside win32lib.ew. Please use the new routines
-Added getPosition()
        This returns a sequence containing the pixel position of the
        top lefthand corner of the control
-Added copyFile(), deleteFile(), moveFile(), createDirectory(),
       getTmpPath(), getTempFile()
       These are wrappers for the Windows file/directory commands.
-Added openDialog()
       This simulates a dialog-type window. It opens the specified
       window and directs all events to that window until it is closed.
        setPosition() has been renamed to setPenPosition()
        moveWindow() has been renamed to setPosition()
        getExtent() has been renamed getSize()
        getSize() has been renamed to getExtent()
        The distribution now comes with a number of toolkit files.
          tk_mem.e (memory management)
          tk_fileio.e (File Input-Output)
          tk_maths.e (Mathematical functions)
          tk_misc.e (Miscellaneous)
        These can be used with any Eu project.
        These files are "included" by win32lib.ew
        onClick events now fired for all non-static controls that don't
        capture mouse events. For example, the StatusBar.
        Now uses the DoubleClick time interval for the maximum mouse
        click time tolerence.
        The routines free_strings(), allot_string(), and
        allocate_struct() have been removed.
Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
(Vote [1] The Cheshire Cat for Internet Mascot)

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