set.e and util.e

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> Euphoria has an FTP site at:
> But nobody is using it!!!!!
>         Put it full of shit or i will, it is a lot of work at first, but if
> when the site has everything we only have to add the new things...
>         If none want to do it but some people do like the idea, tell me and
> i'll put the FTP full...
I'll take that as an invitation... Ok... Here goes:

--whoops: there is a more "serious" archive of slice already there...

tof.e -- needs: ports.e
---- Wait for top of frame proc by Gargoyle ----
----  (Anders Eurenius <c96aes at>)  ----
--      waittof() (tof=top of frame) suprised there
--      isn't any support for this already!

----    Extended slicing by Gargoyle    ----
----(Anders Eurenius <c96aes at>)----
--      glob func srev(sequence s)   reverse
--      glob func sflat(sequence s)  flatten
--      glob func sget(object s,sequence ix) returns(s[ix])
--      glob func sand(sequence s)   s[1] and s[2] and ...\
--      glob func sor(sequence s)    s[1] or s[2] or ...   >both lazy
--      glob func sleft(sequence s,integer ix)  s[1..ix] that doesn't give
--      glob func sright(sequence s,integer ix) s[ix..len]     -''-
--      glob func ssub(sequence s,integer b,integer e) s[b..e] -''-
--      glob func insert(sequence s,integer ix,object x)
--      glob func overlay(sequence s,sequence t,integer ix)
--      glob func delete(sequence s,integer ix)
--      glob func sinsert(sequence s,integer ix,object x)
--      glob func sdelete(sequence s,integer b,integer e)
--      glob func sfind(sequence s, object x) like find, but finds all...

----  Set managment functions by Gargoyle   ----
----  (Anders Eurenius <c96aes at>)  ----
--      union(objseq a,objseq b) -> objseq
--      member(objseq,obj)-> ix/bool
--      intersection(objseq a,objseq b) -> objseq
--      unify(objseq) -> objseq

util.e -- needs: slice.e sort.e get.e wildcard.e set.e
----  Misc. utility functions by Gargoyle   ----
----  (Anders Eurenius <c96aes at>)  ----
--      min(objseq) -> obj
--      max(objseq) -> obj
--      abbrev(str a,str b)-> id/bool
--      (can be 0 (no match), 1: a is abbrev of b or 2: b is abbrev of a)
--      complete(str tmp,strseq lib)-> int n
--      megs(atom x) -> str
--      spcparse(str) -> (int*int)seq:wordlimits
--      words(str) -> int
--      word(str,int) -> str
--      delword(str,int) -> str
--      split(seq s, seq delimiterlist) -> seqseq
--      splice(seqseq s, obj delimiter)-> seq
--      strhead(str s,atom brkchar) -> seq
--      strtail(str s,atom brkchar) -> seq
--      ask(str s)->bool
--      confirm(str s)->bool
--      tackon(str,str) -> str
--      pathpart(str) -> str
--      namepart(str) -> str
Anders Eurenius <c96aes at> UIN:1453793
Computer Science/Engineering student at the university of Umea

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