Re: Sequence index with sequences... Why not?!

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> Anders Eurenius recently suggested that Euphoria should
> allow subscripting of a sequence with a sequence. This is a
> reasonable idea. I can understand his arguments in favor of this
> feature.

Thank you. The way I'm figuring it, sequences are stored as linked lists. =
node-type is some kind of datatype tag (as prolly all objects have) in add=
to the actual data (pointer to next node, integer, whatever). If so, makin=
trees (and such) tricky would really feel pretty stupid...

> I'd like to point out that in addition to using recursion to
> subscript a tree of unknown depth, you can also write a
> loop that subscripts one level with each iteration.

Oh, yeah... It's tail(?)-recursive... ok. doable.

> This topic was discussed a few months ago on this mailing list,
> and the rest of this message is a copy of what I said back then...

There's an FAQ and I didn't read it. Great. <bonk><bonk>

> I've received many suggestions for defining what it would
> mean to subscript a sequence with a sequence:

Yeah, ok... how about using {} or () var and func can't have the same name=
they? Or maybe just s[#{}]=3D>Zeitlin, s[=A4{}]=3D>dimensional, s[%{}]=3D>=
Sure, I do get the part about complexity though, but the way I see it, it'=
easy to learn the basics, and that's what's important. If the black-magici=
do weird stuff, it just means it's a powerful language...

> 1. Jeff Zeitlin's idea (it's done like this in APL):
>     s[{a,b,c}] is {s[a],s[b],s[c]}
Kinky! Hey Jeff! Does it do any cool tricks?

> 2. Other people suggested:   *Anders idea too*
>    (useful for tree structures of unknown depth):
>     s[{a,b,c}] is s[a][b][c]
I was slightly surprised it didn't already work this way, it felt very nat=

> 3. Someone else suggested (the database people would like it):
>     s["Fred"] is the Euphoria object associated with "Fred" e.g.
>                s["Fred"] =3D3D 99
>                s["George"] =3D3D {1,2,3}
>     Euphoria would try to look up "Fred" in s
>     in some efficient way (linear search, hashing, whatever).
>     If "Fred" couldn't be found it might fail, or perhaps =3D
>     return some special value (what value?).

Easy: junk token like nan, or something. But, uhh, what is this associated=

object thing? How's this: it's a giant sequence, and links are kept as

> So far I haven't been convinced that any of the above are really worth i=
Perhaps it isn't. If I can escape the overheads of recursion, I'll try to =
a generic tree library...

> since you can achieve the same effect fairly easily using the
> existing language. Plus the fact there are at least three choices
Yeah, but the others are totally twisted! B-)

> makes it difficult to confidently commit to one of them.
You don't have to.

> The main reason is I don't want to make the language more complicated
> without good reason.
Makes more sense. If you'd buckle every time, it would become spit and bai=
wire real quick...

> Regards, >   Rob Craig >   Rapid Deployment Software

Anders Eurenius <c96aes at> UIN:1453793
Computer Science/Engineering student at the university of Ume=E5

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