Machine Code in EU

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What is not (yet) possible with Euphoria ?
        That is inline ASM, why not ?

                *  It is interpreterd
(It has to be compiled when executed ?? A bit weird with
                * It is system-dependent

        The win32 version will run normal Euphoria progs, as long as they do
not call machine code routines...
        However, machine code in a interpreterd language can be the most
powerfull thing ever.

        The ASM will be compiled when ex.exe finds it in the program, it
can then compile it for the specified system it is on, with code
optimizations for that particular computer, video card, etc.
        It could also change dynamically... (if you press right in a
platform game it could change the code that moves the sprite
before it was called.
        How this preciously would be done, i dunno.
        Best would be if they language was as high-end (& system
independent) as possibe without executing unnessesary code.
        (So some inline language very low, but still system-independent)

        This would always create the fastest code possible for the system
it is running on.

        Anybody agrees/dissagrees ?

        This could also be done by an include file..
        Any volunteers ??
        Or any other people that know machine-code??

        Robert, i suggested this before to you, however i know you do not
think this is a good idea, why not??


~~~~>> Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen <<~~~~
 ~~~>> nieuwen at <<~~~~

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