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At 18:40 20-08-97 +0100, you wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
>Sender:       Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at
>Poster:       Jean Hendrickx <jean.hendrickx at EURONET.BE>
>Organization: Infoboard Belgium
>Subject:      SCREEN
>Hi all,
>Sorry for the precedent post it was a bit upseted.
>I have a try at emulating the Qbasic _function_ SCREEN()
>This function determines what character, if any, is at any given
>screen location and also determines the character's color
>    SCREEN(row, column [,optionflag])
>where row is the screen row from 1-25, column position 1-80, and
>optionflag is a numeric expression specifying which information
>to return. When you omit optionflag, the function returns the
>ASCII value corresponding to the character at the specified screen
>position. If no character found, returns 32 (blank space). If
>optionflag is present and evaluate a non zero value, SCREEN returns
>the attribute (color) of the referenced character (integer
>from 0-255). To decipher this information :
>foreground color= attribute MOD 16
>background color= (attribute AND &H70) \16
>I used the bios service 10,8 to do that. but it don't work.
>Here is the try : because a to long text it's attached file.
> The call of bios seems to clear the screen and nothing is found.
>am I missed something ? Any help should be hearty appreciated.
>-- Jean.Hendrickx. j.hendrickx at
>-- SCREEN.EX simulation fonction SCREEN from Qbasic JCH 17/8/97
>include machine.e
>include graphics.e
>include get.e
>constant SCREEN=1
>integer row, col, dum
>atom key
>sequence coord
>object atrib
>coord={} atrib={} key=-1
>function Screen(integer row, integer col)
>sequence inReg, outReg
>inReg= repeat(0,10)
>-- cursor at desired location (bios service 10,2)
>inReg[REG_AX]=#0002    -- service 2
>inReg[REG_DX]=row*#100 + col
>inReg[REG_BX]=#0000  -- video page -------------|
>outReg=dos_interrupt(#10,inReg)-- outReg={0,0,0,0,773,0,48,12870,0,0,0}
>                               --                  |
>                               --             R=773:256=3 C=remaind=5
>-- get ASCII character code in AL and attribute byte in AH
>-- bios service 10,8
>inReg[REG_AX]=#0008    -- service 8
>inReg[REG_BX]=#0000    -- video page
>  return outReg --[REG_AX]
>end function
>row=1 col=1
>-- coord= Screen(row,col)    -- Control of service 10/2
>--nrow= floor(coord[5]/256)
>--ncol= remainder(coord[5],256)
>--? nrow
>--? ncol   -- OK
>position(row, col) text_color(7) bk_color(1)
>while key=-1 do key=get_key()  end while
>atrib=Screen(row,col)  -- return :  {0,0,0,0,257,0,32,12870,0,0}
>dum=graphics_mode(-1)  --                           |
>? atrib                --                          " "
>-- END CODE ----
Hi Jean,

  the problem is that you're placing function code in AL instead of AH
It should be:
r[REG_AX] = #0200 -- function 2   AH = 2
r[REG_AX] = #0800 -- function 8   AH = 8

  try this code

------ cut here  -----------
include machine.e
include image.e

function screen(integer row, integer col, integer OptionFlag)
sequence r, pos
    pos = get_position()
    r = repeat(0,10)
    r[REG_AX] = 8*#100  -- AH = 8  get character and attribute at cursor pos.
    r = dos_interrupt(#10,r)
    if OptionFlag then
      return remainder(r[REG_AX],256) -- return AL = character
      return floor(r[REG_AX]/256)  -- return  AH = attribute
    end if
end function

constant CHARACTER = 1,  ATTRIBUTE = 0
puts(1,"Hello world\n")
? screen(1,1,CHARACTER)
? screen(1,1,ATTRIBUTE)

--- code end -------------

Jacques Deschenes
Baie-Comeau, Quebec
desja at

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