Re: Problems with GET.E

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Everett Williams wrote:
>Roderick Jackson  wrote:
>>(Side note: I know I'm going to be called on this, but
>>having get() and print() operate the way they currently do
>>DOES seem... ill-paired. There's really no need to change
>>get()--when writing two integers to a file, you're going
>>to HAVE to put something between them anyway. So maybe we
>>could try to find out how many folks use print() in a
>>manner that would cause problems if print() were changed
>>to attatch a newline? I suspect it's not that many,
>>if any at all...)
>>Rod Jackson
>I like symmetry, too, but I'd like it without the newline attached to
>every print(). The ability to write more than once to a line has
>so many uses in report writing that it would be hard to
>enumerate them.

I agree, but how many people need to use print() to
keep stuff on the same line? print(), unlike printf()
and puts(), is used for generic objects, not strings
or formatted output:

   print (fn, "ABCD") --> "{65,66,67,68}" is the literal
                      --> string stored in your file,
                      --> not 5 characters.

If someone uses it extensively in their datafiles, I can
see them having a problem with the extra bytes eating up
memory; but I'd really like to know if anyone is doing
this (or is using the routine in a way that the format
would be messed up by the extra byte.) I suspect, because
of it's incompatibility with get(), that practically no
one ever uses print().

Of course, I could be wrong... I'm just curious.

Rod Jackson

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