Re: Error Trapping

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> Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen wrote:
> >if v[i] = "" then
> >
> >.. and ..
> >
> >if v[i] = '' then
> >
> >Are both as incorrect as hell.
> Yes, because the original post you seem to be responding to ["Rob
> questions"] had a space between the quotes. (And BTW, there's no such thing
> as a '' char in Euphoria -- you'll get a "single-quote char is empty"
> error.)

It was precisely that error I was talking about.
(My mistake though: there was a space between the qoutes)

> Of course, as with the current Euphoria docs, the person has to actually
> *read* this new document, which doesn't always happen...

True, although most actually will read the docs when they get stuck.
Esspecially when they remember there are sections about esspecially those

>> >somebody asks "why isn't this working" and half of the people are like
> >"let me do it for you" .. the list-server community is really great and
> >helpfull to many people, but it wouldn't hurt any one if we would give
> >it some thought and what exactly would and would not be helpfull.
> For the most part, I think the people answering questions here on the list
> do a good job of giving *some* reasoning behind their solutions. As far as
> "what exactly would and would not be helpful," replies are only helpful when
> they are at least factually correct.

That last sentence is a pun. Thank you. No really I do agree, on the other hand,
isn't it in every body's interest if such vague
parts of Euphoria get discussed ?
I simple wanted to start up, what imho is a usefull discussion.

> >object m, n
> >m = { 1, 2, 3 }
> >
> >[snip]
> >
> >n = m * { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
> >? n     -- { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 2, 4, 6 }, { 3, 6, 9 } }
> If you had actually executed the above code segment, you would quickly have
> discovered the following error message:
> "sequence lengths are not the same (3 != 4)"

See how vague even I am on the subject ?  I was pretty sure it worked did way,
but never bothered to try it out.


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