Re: 102bakslashin --read as

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>You probably opened the file and saved the file in the following

I'm not sure I follow.  Are you saying that the "puts()" routine
automatically changed all the 10s to 13s (or whatever '\n' is)?  So I
didn't need this part of code:

for i = 1 to length (text) do
    if text [i] = 10 then
        text [i] = '\n'
    end if
end for

because I DID use "puts ()" to write back to the file.

>I hope this clears things up a bit.


Here's my code if anyone cares:

include file.e
constant file = "jk200.e"
object fn, line, text
fn = open (file, "r")
text = ""
while 1 do
    line = gets (fn)
    if compare (line, -1) != 0 then
        puts (1, line)
        text = text & line
    else exit
    end if
end while
close (fn)
fn = open (file, "w")
for i = 1 to length (text) do
    if text [i] = 10 then
        text [i] = '\n'
    end if
end for
puts (fn, text)
close (fn)
? '\n'

Lewis Townsend
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