Re: Adventure games

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Hello Paul,

> I would like to go ahead and make it 3D isometric, similiar to >
"Diablo", "Starcraft" or "XCOM".


>I would like to add some quality sound. And finally,
>I would like to make the game multiplayer and have
>many players as speed will allow.

Great Ideas

>This is whole lot for one person to do. So I need help.

No kidding.

>2. Routing, going from point A to point B while avoiding obstacles.
>   a. Have a working prototype.
>   b. Occasionaly does not find point B.
>   c. Does not always find shortest route.
>   d. A bit slow on large maps.
>   e. Will go with a point and click interface.
Someone recently posted an algorithm for
somethig similar to this

>Things that still need to be written:
>1. A quest engine.
>   a. Ability to hadle multiple quests at a time.

This of course would depend on how the rest of your game works
but here is some Ideas:
    1. Quests consist of OBJECTIVES
    2. When all objectives of specific quest is complete
       then quest complete
    3. Quests could share objectives this way.
    4. some pseudocode:
        constant info = 1,
                     initial_discription = 1,
                     additional_info = 2,
                 objectives = 2,
                     object = 1,
                     action = 2,
                     result = 3,
I realize this is very general but like I said, I'd have
to know how your general game engine works to be more specific.

>   b. Advance the story line.

Right down my alley!  I have a fantasy rpg (?) game
I've been working on for some time.  About all it consists
of IS the story line.  Part of the history is on my web page
(I can't remember the address but look for it in RDS's page).
I have all kinds of story ideas if you need help in this area.

>2. Code to handle NPC's (merchants, barkeeps)

Hmm.. I wouldn't mind taking a crack at it.

>3. Code for all the weapons and spells.

This too would require knowing how your game works.

>4. Random encounters and battles.

Not a problem I think.

>Not only do I need help with sound and graphics I'll need help with
>story line. That in itself will obviously affect the graphics and
>sound. I would like to have a story line that is not necessarily
>linear. If the game is capable of having multiplayer gameplay then it
>would need to have the ability to have more than one quest going at a
>time, so different groups can go on different quests.

Like I said, I'd love to help with the story (line).
linear stories in games just bug me.
I could help make graphics if I got a good editor but I'm
not too good at actually incorporating them into games.

Lewis Townsend
Keroltarr at
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