Re: The tutorial

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At 08:26 a.m. 28-01-99 +0100, you wrote:

>No offense to anyone, but there is no such thing, as a programming that
>needs more than RDS gives us. We should just teach beginners to become
>programmers. Im not saying some one is or is not a programmer. I just mean,
>if RDS documentation isnt enough, we need to teach 'theory'  (what

>programming is about) rather than 'implementation' (which routines, etc.)
>The guide I want to write, should be useless to any real software engineer.
>Why ? Because they need nothing more than RDS' documenation)

At first I thought your vision of the tutorial was far more complete than
mine, but
I'm realizing it's the opposite Ralf. Let me explain my self:

I agree that "learn to think like the computer" is quite difficult for most
(many of classmates take almost a year to fully understand how a pseudo-code
algorithm works!). There are some of us that had been in touch with compute
 from early days (I started at 12, Sinclair ZX-81) and during the years
have some
king of simbiotic relationship with chips ;)

Rather than seeing a tutorial I see a book to master programming using the
Euphoria programming language. Perhaps some day O'Reilly publish it with
some strange animal on the cover... an Alien probably on 2050 :)

A good, solid and understandable introduction *is* a must on our (the Euphoria
community) proyect. I believe that's your point Ralf. But that's not all.

RDS documentation clearly describes the language and the RT library. But
dominating a programming language requires a learning curve. The tutorial goal
IMHO should be to reduce this learning curve as much as possible. RDS gives
the tool intructions, we can provide our empirical experience. Have you
seen how
many Windows API books are out there? The WinAPI documentation is freely
available... so why people buy those books?

This proyect should be divided in self-contained content specific sections
me of the TOC ;) developed by different (but colaborative) groups. You'll do a
great job on the "Programming 101" section (and others). I may help with Win32
(do you join David? Ad?).

I can think now of these sections:

a) Programming fundamental (Ralf?)
b) The Euphoria programming language (RDS, ABTE?)
c) High performace with Euphoria (Michael "Speed Demon" Bolin still alive?)
d) Graphics programming in Euphoria (Neil creator (Pete I think)?)
e) Client/Server programming  (Jesus Consuegra?)
d) Windows programming (David? Ad? me?)
e) Glue all the aboves together (?)

To the Euphoria community: cooperate with the area you're more familar or
In spanish there's a saying: "Panadero a tus pasteles" (look a dictionary).

Let's see what can we do!

        Daniel   Berstein
        daber at

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