Re: Im A Damn Poor Kid...

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On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 14:34:06 +1300, Jiri Babor <J.Babor at GNS.CRI.NZ> wrote:

>I am sorry, David, but I think you are seriously misrepresenting the RDS'
>clearly stated policy. I quote from the README.DOC:
>"People can use Euphoria for as long as they like without obligation.
>We make money from those who start to seriously develop large
>applications, and want to get the latest release, technical support
>and enhanced bind, profile, and debug support for large programs."
>I know next to nothing about the shareware business, but I think
>this is a very sensible policy and I applaud Rob's latest move to
>gradually lift restrictions on debugging, while shifting emphasis
>to binding/compilation.

I agree that it is a very liberal policy. Perhaps too liberal.
What I would like to see are some of those "seriously large applications"
mentioned above. Where are they? Anybody writing one?
How can RDS make much money until there are some?

At any rate, compare Euphoria to any other software you may have
lying around: Microsoft's shrink wrapped "agreement", for example,
which generally states (paraphrased):

  We don't guarantee that there is anything on this disk,
  or that there isn't, nor that it may or may not be suitable
  for any purpose now known or yet to be imagined.
  If there happens to be something on this disk,
  it's not our fault. Either way, you don't own it,
  but are only licensed to try to get our bugs out.
  You may make one copy which must immediately be burned.
  If you give up in frustration, you must return all software,
  hardware, sleepware,and underware that may or may not
  be part of this package. You may not tell anyone living
  or dead how slowly this software runs, under penalty of
  law... By touching, looking at or walking past this package,
  you hereby agree to abide by all these and any other
  conditions our overpaid and underworked lawyers
  were able to dream up...


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