Re: VEL "experimental" question.

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I altered your code a bit and have added some comments. The
descriptions and examples in 'Experimental.doc' are a bit confusing
But this version requires that you first create a control for the
OpenDialog function to work. This is a control 'behind the scenes',
as I would discribe it.
The open a file using OPENDIALOG, you have to set the FILTER
attribute each time you use it. To open the dialog, you use
ShowDialog, where the first argument is the id, that was returned
when you created the OpenDialog control. Are you still with me?
From here on, you build further on your program.
BTW, what kind of program will it be? A Bitmap Editor?
Anyways, I would like to see your progressions while making it

-- %< snip >% -- the (updated and commented) Euphoria program.
without warning
include vel005.e

integer Form1,Button1,OpenDialog1,crudvar1
sequence s

Form1=3DCreateControl(FORM, 0)
s =3D {{CAPTION, "quick mod of demo9"},
{FILENAME, "VEL.ico"},
{LEFT, 100},
{TOP, 100},
{HEIGHT, 500},
{WIDTH, 600}}
SetAttribute(Form1, s)

Button1 =3D CreateControl(BUTTON,Form1)
s =3D {{CAPTION, "Load Test"},
{TOP, 350},
{LEFT, 250},
{HINT, "The on to the adding of chr's in the map creator"},

-- First, you should create an (invisible) control for the use of OpenD=
OpenDialog1 =3D CreateControl(OPENDIALOG, Form1)

procedure Button1OnClick(integer id, integer p, integer q)
--The next line causes the error:
--OpenDialog1 =3D ShowDialog(OPENDIALOG, Form1)
    SetAttribute(OpenDialog1, {{FILTER, "Euphoria | .e;*.ew;*.ex;*.exw"=
    crudvar1 =3D ShowDialog(OpenDialog1, Form1)
    s =3D GetAttribute(crudvar1, FILENAME)
    puts(1, s)  -- now you should see the name of the file you selected=
 in a console window
end procedure

SetEvent(Button1, CLICK_EVENT, routine_id("Button1OnClick"))

ShowForm(Form1, MODAL)
-- %< snip >% -- end of Euphoria code

 ^  |


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