Re: Eu vs perl

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> From: Everett Williams

> What Euphoria lacks is the ability to control cleanly
> any particular
> subset of that global entity. Strings are what they are. They
> have particular
> properties, all of which are a subset of the available
> sequence properties.

OK, I've been following this whole thread, and trying to understand what
you've been saying here, Everett, but unfortunately (for your argument, at
least), I find myself agreeing with Irv or Dave.  Maybe I just missed it or
didn't understand, but I'd like to know what types of tools you'd like to
see.  If you could describe the way it's done somewhere else that solves the
'problems' you're talking about, that might make it easier to understand.

> Structures are another clean subset of sequences that offer a
> huge number
> of optimizations when used. They can and do happen to represent a high
> percent of the available, formatted data on this planet. With
> care, we can
> have these subsets, select the properties they need and
> optimize both our
> code and the interpreter(look at XML and you will see what I mean).

I can definitely see advantages in terms of optimization to knowing what
sort of data you're getting, but now you seem to be wanting to introduce
more 'contradictions' into Euphoria (vs keeping data types few and simple).

Another issue....I think you referenced the possibility of not getting clean
data (ASCII, NL, etc.).  I guess I really didn't follow you here.  Wouldn't
Euphoria be BETTER able to handle these sorts of things (especially if
you're not sure what you're getting yet) than a rigidly defined data

[From another post] You also talked about the advantages of theorectical
discussions.  I completely agree about that.  However, no one seems to be
able to grasp what's bothering you (at least well enough to understand why
there might be a problem).  So I have to conclude one of four things:

1.  It's at a theoretical level above my head.
2.  We have totally different perspectives about the 'problems/shortcomings'
of strings in Euphoria.
3.  I'm wrong.
4.  You're wrong.

I can't come anywhere near 3 or 4 yet, but I think a little more concrete
example would help determine 1 and/or two, and might resolve the whole thing
(to some degree, of course).  Look, I understand you don't want to invest
too much into Euphoria right now, but I don't think this is too much to ask
for, and IMHO you're really only hurting your case by staying 'too

Matt Lewis

"It's so simple a four year old could understand it....go get me a four year
        --Grouco Marx

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