a new library

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I have a written a new library called mixedlib.e and if anyone is
 interested in it, I will send it to RDS for distribution.

 The mixed library is a general pupose library that can be used to build
 parsers, filters, macro or preprocessors, xbase file programs, games, etc.
 and new features will be added if any interest grows in it's routines.
 The future direction will be depend on users interests.

 The library features:

    Memory based ANSI "C" string handling
    Standard "C" string routines
    Demonstrates easier use of assembler
    "C" string output from memory to device or file
    Memory based structures that can be written to and from disk
    "C" variable types

 The purpose of this library is to introduce the Euphoria programmer
 to the techniques of using assembler and "C" code in a Euphoria Program.
 I have used extensive comments in the library to help the Programmer to
 understand what is happening in the library. The library is called the
 mixed library because it is a mix of languages and has a mix of uses.

 The library's string handling routines are the same as "C" zero terminated
 strings. The strings are NOT seqeunces but are memory based strings with
 a zero terminating byte. The strings supported are the same as those used
 by ANSI "C" and work the exact same way. This enables the programmer
 to easily migrate "C" string applications to Euphoria. The structures are
 declared in a form that makes it easy to forget about offsets.

 The latest version of Pete's ASM.E is required for the assembler routines.
 This should be included with the mixedlib.e. Because the library is a
 a general library it will be difficult to give extensive demos. The idea
 is for the user to be creative enough to create the demos.

   This is an example of using strings ( just like "C" )

   atom str1, str2, str3

   str1 = string(255)              -- create an empty string storage
   str2 = string("Hello Euphoria") -- create an intialize string
   str1 = strcpy(str1, str2)       -- copy string2 to string1
   str1 = strupr(str1)             -- convert str1 to all upper-case

   and so on just look in any "C" book and you see how to use them

  This is an example of using structures

  -- Allocate some structure pointers
  pointer record1, record2

  -- Define a record structure in high or low mmemory
  -- the member can have any name, data type and size

  record1 = struc(" FName: string :  25 "&
                  " LName: string :  25 "&
                  " Age  : byte   :   1 "&
                  " Memo : string : 200 ",
                  HIGH)                       -- allocate in high memory

  Sets(record1, "Memo", "\nThis is a memo\n"& -- embed special characters
                        "and should be on\n"& -- or you can parse the field
                        "more than 1 line\n") -- using the string functions

  Sets(record1, "Age", 22)                 -- set age to 22

  Sets(record1, "FName", "Sammy")          -- set the structure's field
                                           -- it will be truncated if > 25
                                           -- which was its declared size.

  record2 = dups(record1,LOW)              -- duplicate the same record in
                                           -- low memory

  cout(1,Gets(record2,"FName"))            -- use cout to output null
                                           -- terminated strings to any file
                                           -- or device

  The structures can written in blocks to and from memory to a file

  Maybe one of you xbase experts could use it write a database


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